Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Yiqi, even though its gonna be 08 soon, things will not change. Memories will not be gone. Ok? I'm sure memories of you with Jolene, Xueqin or whoever is it will not be gone. 'Cause you guys still gonna keep in contact. We will still be on your bus 20years down the road.
2009 is coming, really coming. How fast could that get? You have to start writing _/_/09 instead of _/_/08 already. Every year, i couldn't get used to that and ended up writing dates wrongly.(Or could it be that i want to time travel back?) Haha. Soon, you will grow older by a year. Very soon. 2008 has (its not the end of 08 yet) been a blast for me, even though it was the Olevel period. Many things had happened- Sad and happy ones. Everything is a test set for us (My favourite phrase, ha!) Many different kinds of friends came, and left. But those that are true, stays. Life has been good to me in a way, or i choose to think this way. Whatever it is, i'm still happy with whatever i have in my life :)
No wonder i have been sneezing these past few days. I just found out somebody likes to talk about me behind my back! Haha, THAT IS SO RANDOM!! Haha hopefully i will blog again tomorrow, the last time in the year of 2008. As usual, too much sugar is bad for the eyes(not tooth) Goodnight everyone. Enjoy counting down to a new year!
Today @ 12:00 AM
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Back to School, not exactly?
Hello Earthlings! Back to school:D The new site, located at Bishan. Oh well, its super complicated. Lol! Well, Yiqi, Xueqin & Qixiang were there. Watched the sec1's orientation. Haha, not bad lah. Miss being a GL. It was so fun. Sigh. Yeah & many more came. Been awhile. Gonna explore it again when i head back to collect my O's results! Tomorrow is the last day of 2008. A year's gone in a flash. Been through alot & understood many things i didn't used to in the past. Countdown's on tomorrow. Yay! Goodbye & Happy 2009 :)
Too much sugar is bad for eyes! (Not tooth)
Today @ 9:22 PM
Monday, December 29, 2008
Time Travel
Hello hello hello hello hello. Heading back to the new school site tomorrow! I can't wait for 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'!!!!!!!!! Shit, i'm damn excited about this now. 37 more days.
Today @ 11:52 PM
Eye Candy
Okay finally my blog's gonna be alive with posts. Okay so on the 23th we had a stayover at Jianyu's house. Bbq was cancelled, and we had dinner together at the table. Heartwarming. Anyway it was the first time it rained when we stayed overnight there. We made Cheese baked rice(fried rice) in the middle of the night okay. Such creativity ha! None of us went for a swim at Jianyu's personal swimming pool. Didn't sleep at all for the whole night even though i drinked. Talked, reminiscence and played PS2 -my all-time favourite game! After that, headed home to bathe and a quick nap. Off to Eechen's Christmas party-countdown with her family. Alright there was a feast. Yeah had lots of fun as well.
Work is getting better:) I like my collegues! Haha. But i'm still scared that i'll a mistake anytime. Super stressful. Oh well, thats what you get when you work isn't it? Ha alright i shall let pictures do some elaboration. Anyway..... I want to go shopping again! Yiqi, make a date with me:) I also need to get so many things for CNY. I always do a shopping list but i never seem to follow them.. Ha okay. So many strange things happened these 2 nights.. Okay, Pictures up next!

Jianyu's personal swimming pool!
View from roof
Fish pond's view from 2nd storey!

& its us after 6 long years:)Am i witnessing a miracle or a mere coincidence?
Today @ 3:00 AM
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas everyone!! :) May all wishes come true! Anyway i'm gonna blog about my day at Jianyu's house some other day alright. Gotta go open my presents and sleep(Believe it or not, i didn't sleep for a night) & there's work tmr! By the way, thanks to everyone who wished me. And Special thanks to Eechen & Wenlynn, followed by Hongyu & Shawn Tay!(To hy and shawn, thanks so much, i really love it!!!) Goodnight and enjoy your Christmas!
Today @ 12:19 AM
Monday, December 22, 2008
Alright, so today is a day out with Siyun:) There could be more people, but the rest can't make it. Sadly.. Oh well, its okay. Next time then! So i met up with her and we catched Twilight the movie together. Finally i'm watching the movie i've been waiting for 5months. Yes its not bad, but seriously they skipped lots of parts. Lots of them. They didn't filmed some parts as mentioned in the book. Sometimes movies can be quite disappointing, but oh well, i understand that it is impossible to squeeze everything into 2hours. Whatever is it, I would give 3/5 stars. Right now, the next movie i'm waiting for will be 'Dear John' :) Anyway, after that, she headed home for dinner and i made a trip down to Library. Its sooooo quiet. I like! Ha, there's not much people there. I guess thats the main reason why it was so quiet. Its holiday period so i doubt anyone will be crazy enough to stay there so late for revision. Right? I managed to borrow the books i wanted to. Well, lucky in a way i guess. Here comes the challenge. I have to finish up 4books in 2weeks' time. Its kind of tough, 'cause i will be busy working(work is resumed). Well, i will how!
Tmr's 23th! Hooray! I'm gonna have a Primary School Gathering/Christmas-party. I miss them all, its been 4 long years. Maybe at night we will be heading down to Jalan Kayu for supper! Hehehe. Can't wait, its gonna be Jianyu's house again:) Moonlight and etc. Most prolly i won't be blogging tomorrow unless its in the morning. Alright, thats all for today. Goodnight to you, him, her, & the world!
All i want for Christmas is (What?)Think!
Today @ 10:04 PM
Saturday, December 20, 2008
The Physicist
Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.Albert Einstein
Today @ 10:38 PM
Friday, December 19, 2008
After 3months, its coming back. Its coming back.. Gastric. Acting up again.
Today @ 10:42 PM
Retail Therapy
Check out the soccer at the back(Lol!) And its been a while since I met up with Shan.Omg i hate work. Damn dumb. The people there sucks big time, except some. Anyway today work was boring. Esther & Cecilla weren't there. I don't think i even enjoy my work. Well well well, after work went out with Yiqi again. Went shopping:) Which girl doesn't like to shop? Ha alright then she had her lunch and i had nothing as i've got no appetite. Shit, now my stomach's calling for food. I'm lazy to read my mailbox.. There's like 276 unread emails. Usually, i would just tick all boxes and click 'Delete' ha. An easy way to clear mails! Goodbye to all humans.
Life is all about tests.
Today @ 6:21 PM
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Today was morning-afternoon shift for me. Seriously this work is damn stressful and exhausting. I'm scared that i will make a mistake anytime. However, i will try to enjoy it. Since work ended early, went out with Yiqi after that. Eventually, we made a last minute decision to find Yanseng & Xinkai. So basically, we had lunch together and walked around(again) As usual, everything was hilarious. AND CRAP!! Headed to Thomson Plaza's Fairprice to get groceries and then send Yiqi back to her dad's office using the shortcut route. Homed, and feel so good after a long hot bath. Well, no doubt everything happens for a reason. And i strongly feel that it is also a test set for us. (Jolene & Yiqi will definitely get it) Anyway, this is seriously a short summary about my day. Goodbye to all.
Today @ 8:29 PM
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Out with Yiqi
Got Laura's present today and headed to my house. Saw Yanseng & Xinkai on the way back. And seriously it was merely a coincidence. Chit chatted for awhile and went to work! Wasn't late, thank goodness.
OMG OMG OMG i'm famished. Forgotten to eat my dinner. And OMG work is so stressful. I'm not gonna sigh this time round.
In the end, Victoria froze under the weight of her own foolishness.
Today @ 12:24 AM
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
So here i am again, blogging about my day. Well, i doubt my life is interesting anyway. Apparently, my bed's beckoning me now. I'm supposed to go to sleep, but i feel that i have to blog first. Well, work was alright! Looking forward to tomorrow's.. maybe. Renewed my passport with sister, like finally. And many strange things happened, which i'm lazy to elaborate. Okay, so meet up with Yiqi etc for awhile after that. I still owe them a Ben's and Jerry treat. Haha. Anyway, its already 16th December!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURA WONG!!! Even though we had barely knew each other for a year, but we click well. Haha, miss those recess times though. Well, just have fun, enjoy your day:)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDWAYNE!!! Edwayne, even though you are like far far far away in Germany now, but i wish you all the best. Have fun! You get to enjoy 48hours of your special day. How privileged!:)
In the end, Victoria froze under the weight of her own foolishness.
Today @ 1:11 AM
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Today's weather is awesome!!!! So windy. I love. I bet i'm gonna sleep well tonight, and hopefully won't be late 'cause i'm meeting Yiqi at 7.45am. Do you guys know, everytime you sighed, an angel will die? Therefore, if all the angels die, there will be no more hope left in this world. And according to Xinkai's theory, everytime a girl swear/curse, a star will fall, and die eventually. Haha so maybe i should stop sighing and swearing. & Khairul is forever a track captain! Haha, meet up soon okay buddy! Together with Venice too. I suddenly crave for spicy dishes. Ah.. maybe tomorrow. Hehe. And gotta meet Sister(Weiping) after work tomorrow to renew passport. And this is for Eechen, if you happen to see this: Have fun over there at Genting(even though its a second trip, but i'm sure every trip brings back different kinds of memories) Talk to you soon, and Bon Voyage. Take care, best friend!
I'm sleeping now. Goodnight to you.
Labels: And the answer eludes me.
Today @ 11:49 PM
Dinner was great yesterday. Went to IVINS, a peranakan restaurant. I'm super hungry now.. its 4.00pm but i have yet to have my first meal of the day. Tomorrow's work. After work, i got to renew my passport. So, i guess i can't go shopping tmr! Nevermind, i will see how it goes.
You are my best friend, still.
Today @ 4:00 PM
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Today shall be a day i can finally rest at home, and finish up my book. 23TH I'M FREE!!! Free for you guys(6F), definitely. So, don't worry about unable to book me. Work is starting next week. Next week means just one more day to rest.. Please let work be interesting. Anyway.. my birthday is long over. I appreciate what you want to do, but i don't see the point anymore.
Definition of 'Friend'
1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter
3. a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile
Which one are you? Or none of the above?
Today @ 2:47 PM
Singapore Flyer
Jolene Howe Hui LingDaily routine, maybe? Out with Yiqi, Yanseng & Xinkai today! Firstly, went to Yanseng's house with Yiqi while waited for the both of them. Then headed off to Velocity to purchase some stuffs. Took a train down to Town and then had lunch:D Again, we took a train down to City Hall cause we are gonna.... TAKE THE SINGAPORE FLYER! hahaha! It was a last minute decision, but all thanks to Yanseng:) haha! Man, it was AWESOME! So first, we went into the ride entrance, tickets & bags were checked. The flyer is always moving, but at a super duper slow speed. Took tons of photos inside the cabin. One word: Cool. However, this time round, we didn't saw a rainbow(remember i did the other time?) We are gonna go back again next time :D haha so headed back to Marina Square & Qixiang joined us:D Had dinner together and crapped alot, as usual.
Tomorrow should be just a day spent at home. I should start to rest enough as next week will be busy! Hmm... maybe i should get my christmas shopping done asap. 18dec is coming soon.. hooray! Alright, will post the pictures of the trip at Singapore Flyer soon because its all with Yanseng's camera. Goodnight everyone!
Hang it on the walls of my heart if you canLabels: not, Spare Tyre.. Maybe
Today @ 12:35 AM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Yiqi turned 16.
Hello earthlings! This weekend had been a blast. So firstly,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIAW YIQI! happy sweet sixteen my lovely friend:) Okay so yesterday met Yiqi & Qixiang at amk and we headed of to NTUC to purchase the bbq food and etcera. I do love shopping for BBQ stuffs! Then we cabbed down to Pasir Ris Park and walked all the way from pit 45 to pit 17! It was a fantastic weather. Breezy, and it didn't rained! So we talked/crapped all the way while waiting for the rest since we were the earliest. Then more people arrived! Boy, i was happy to see Xueqin, Peiqin & Jolene since its been a long time since we met up!!:D Justin brought along his new skates! Nice skates he had got there. Started bbq-ing! I love bbq food. Conversation between the scouts and i was super funny as we started talking about the new school site.
Stayed out yesterday night with Yiqi, Qixiang, Justin Tan, Glen & Chenghong. Supposed to tent there but it was too late to register. So basically, we were just like roaming around Downtown East. Eventually, we walked over to Interchange and sat at the bus stop. Justin was super hyperactive and started running around. Haha, it was hilarious!! Took the first bus of No. 88 and we started to fall asleep. We were dead tired, i suppose. (Thanks to Qixiang & Justin!:D)
Went over to Glen's house for awhile. (It was nice of him!) Then me & Yiqi took a bus down to Prata House to meet Yanseng & Xinkai for breakfast! (finally we are!) Ate, talked & walked back. And today, i did Emath! Can't believe me & yiqi are helping them out with their homework! Hahahaha. Went over to Thomson Plaza with Yiqi for awhile and she went home while i went for dinner.
Payday is coming soon! I have to get my christmas shopping done asap because i will be busy for the next couple of weeks. This year, Christmas will not be that jolly for me. Slept from 7 to 9.30 and yes.. I'm going to sleep soon again haha. Tmr i'm gonna meet Yiqi again!:) I will upload the pictures of the bbq once i had got it from Yiqi. For now.. i'm gonna to help out with the laundry and read a few pages of my book and then jump straight to bed!
Today @ 11:52 PM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Maclaren, Peg-perego, Capella, Datdat, Quinny, BBY, 100%pinewood, B-free bottle
Finally i've got the time to come online:D These past few days was super tiring, but i had a great time. maybe you can call it sweet misery. the people over there are really nice:) some are from other countries and came here to work. Okay, so i sold lots of stuffs:D the babies are really cute!! kids are always cute, thats for sure. haha. Training was on tuesday and wednesday. Friday was the first official work day. It was fun!! Me & yiqi had learned everything what Xinkai like to say and do, hehehehe. On friday after work, we've got free tickets(from boss) to watch a circus show! its called 'The Greatest Show Ever 2', the stellar cast of award-winning circus performers who have made their name on the international touring circuit. They came from Moscow, Russia. It was really awesome, animal-free and it can make you go Gaga! hahah! i wish i can watch it all over again.
Saturday & Sunday was super busy! Because the shop's opened all the way from 10am to 12am. Hahah i'm practially serving 3customers at a time. This time round, Yanseng had joined us because he had came back from his camp. We ordered Macs' on saturday and Pizza on sunday:) But i didn't get a chance to really savour the taste because we had to be fast as it was really packed. You could say it was the nicest dinner(as i was starved) and yet the most awful dinner(as the food had turned cold at times) Monday was not so busy, but fun. still. hahah. Vanille(pronounced as ver-nile) was really cute. She's only 5years old, but yet she's so independent. By the way, if you are wondering who she is, she's the boss's daughter. haha. Yiqi, Yanseng, Xinkai and I keep on playing with her:) I can never forget about the part where there's this customer who thought my name was Maclaren! Because my uniform-tee had the name, Maclaren printed on the top right side, so it some sort looked like a name tag. But the truth is that we sell Maclaren's products too & the customer kept on calling me 'Maclaren'. Told Yiqi about this and she had a real hard laugh hahaha. Yesterday after work, sat on a porsche(boss's) and headed off for dinner with the other 12people! It was a treat, a reward after working so hard and overtime these past few days hahah!:D As usual, me, yiqi, xinkai & yanseng crapped alot on the car and something funny happened. hehehe. The dinner was super nice(seafood!) Reached home around 11plus. had been having 6hours of sleep lately.
So today was out with my lovely friend again! Liaw Yiqi! I'm practically seeing her everyday now haha! Supposed to repair her phone at the Nokia center, but didn't. Then headed off to have lunch:) Her sister was there too! haha. Tomorrow's her birthday and i'm looking forward to it! Jolene will be there too(i miss her soooo much!) Supposedly, we are to have Prata for breakfast with Yiqi, Xinkai & Yanseng. But! xinkai couldn't make it so it was cancelled. Nevermind then, i will wait for the Ikea trip. haha. And yes, Happy Birthday Coke Koh!:)
Well, i'm starting to miss the rest already. Marika,

Fifi, Dilla, Vanille etc. We decided to pop over there again someday:) The staff are really nice and they are not as scary as what i had first thought haha! Yet, i don't like this kind of feeling.
Why does it take a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye? However, this is life, isn't it? Life's full of Hellos' & Goodbyes'. Okay, i shouldn't start getting emotional now! And i learned something new from Jianyu: Don't cry cause its over, but smile cause it happened. Waiting for Yiqi to come online, and then i will upload the photos later, photos of these past 6days! And for now, i shall continue reading my book:)

Labels: A pang of jealousy...
Today @ 7:52 PM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Woke up at 7am. Bathe, out at 830. Off to Raffles City. Together with yiqi. So took a bus down to city hall. We were very early actually. Well, signed some documents(to sell Qixiang away) and then we headed off to Ikea! But, we were deciding between the Tampiness outlet or the Queensway outlet. And finally, we settled for Queensway. Those small furnitures and decorations were really nice. Gonna get them soon? Lunched at the Ikea restaurant & cafe. The photographs, scent of the food was so appealing. So me & Yiqi bought Pasta, 2 Potato salads, Chicken wings, the big set of Swedish Meatballs(15pcs!!) + Potatoes. Haha it was really delicious! We are gonna go back again! Roamed around that place for about 2hours? I wonder, if its a good or bad thing that many stuffs had become a routine.
Tmr will be another busy day. But i'm sure it will be fun. Especially with that friend of ours. Gotta go, have to do my 'revision' again, and this time round, i have to memorise it. Well, i will upload the pictures another day.
One day, one month, one year, one decade, one century. When?
Today @ 6:29 PM
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
christmas coming. jolly?As usual, i woke up at 8, went out at 1015, reach home at 730. Seems like a routine now. I'm so tired, having insufficent sleep nowadays. I'm feeling so lethargic now. Its been a while since i had been so tired, i swear. The last time i'm feeling so tired was during the Olevels period. Been a while since i saw my friends, other than Yiqi(she knows why) This weekend gonna be busy for me(but i will have a little fun too cause i knew 4new friends now!) & & & & i have to go to Ikea asap! Before christmas. Just need to get so many things. Kay, there's nothing much to say. Or rather, my mind doesn't feels like working now. So, byebye!
Labels: Someday it will come to an end.
Today @ 9:17 PM
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Woke up at 8, went out at 1015, reached home at 6pm. Man, i'm feeling so tired. Had yet to do my 'revision'.
Weifen says: WHOA I SO POWER.
Understand. Thats all i'm asking for.
Today @ 11:37 PM
Monday, December 1, 2008
Lucky ones?
Sometimes it is hard to believe that such a home actually exist in a developed country like Singapore. In fact, we are so much fortunate than many other people. Humans always have this tendency to take things for granted.(and i guess i'm no exception) Well, we should stop using 'it is human's nature to take things for granted' as an excuse.
Today @ 9:21 PM
Its already 1st of december! 2008 is coming to an end soon. Supposed to get my passport renewed today, but my sister wasn't free, so my mum didn't want to bring us. Could have meet somebody. okay, so YES! i'm making a trip down to the library later.(like finally) Brezzy, the word to describe today's weather. How i wished that i have a bike of my own. Well, been surfing the net for some old movies. I found out that, a book i had been reading few months back is gonna be film as a movie, releasing next year!!!! Its titled 'Dear John'. It was very very touching. I cried at several parts. It was only now then i realised the kind of genre i go for for books. Sad endings, i guess. Damn, can't wait for the movie(even though novels are always nicer than the movie). Books always depict the noble acts of humans, but they don't really happen in reality. Right? Sigh, how sad but true. Alright, i have to go to the library already. Bye!
"I finally understood what true love meant that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be."
Dear John(novel)
Today @ 4:46 PM