Saturday, February 28, 2009
Edged with ambivalence
Maybe... we should just stay this way
Today @ 11:11 PM
Live to eat
I finally understood the enrollment documents and right now i just need to wait till Monday so i can call the Poly/Moe and enquiry about one of the scheme. I tried calling today but it turns out that the office had closed for the day!!! Argh. The next working day will be Monday. I worked out my schedule already, i just hope that everything will turns out to be right. It will be, right? Most prolly going out for dinner later with Eechen. I'm really famished now.. I want to go to the Wee Nam Kee Hainanese chicken rice located at Novena. There used to be one at Thomson road and i have been going there since young. Since i'm a Hainanese, my father clicked pretty well with the people there. Lol. I went to the one at Novena that day with A and W and it was delicious! I feel like eating sambal kangkong now. I also want to go to the IVINS perankan restaurant at Thomson. I like their chicken rendung and the vegetables(i forgot what is it called) and the soup that has fish maw. I also want to go to The Soup Restaurant, the one i went that day with Jolene & Shan. The tofu and the soup!! And then, i'm supposed to eat at the place called The Soup Spoon with Chew but both of us are really busy to meet up. I want to go to Miss Clarity Cafe with Yiqi & Jolene again(the last time was in 2007) I like their cheese fries. Nice. I want to go for desserts. I feel like having some hot desserts now. I want to go to Jalan Kayu and have prata with the usuals. I want to go to Chomp Chomp food centre with the usuals and besties. Hokkien mee and sambal stingray and kangkong and carrot cake and oyster omelette and beancurd!! I want to have the Ngoh Hiang & the Kueh(pink in colour and has rice in it) my grandmother made. I want Tea with Milk now. I love to eat rice. I love spicy food. I love Chinese food the most. Okay, great, I just found out this post is all about food. I hope i'm not making you hungry now. Haha.
Today @ 5:37 PM
I did this on Facebook - what does your birthday means. Here is the list of adjectives that describe me!
Has lots of extraordinary ideas.
Difficult to fathom. Think forward. Unique. Brilliant. Sharp thinking. Fine, strong clairvoyance. make good doctors. Dynamic.
Secretive. Inquisitive.
Know how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative. amiable. Brave. generous. Patient.
Stubborn. hardhearted. Determined. Never quit.
Hardly become angry unless provoked.
Love to be alone. Think differently. Sharp-minded.
Motivate self. Doesn't appreciate praises.
High-spirited. Well-built, tough.
Deep love, emotions. Romantic.
Uncertain in relationships. Homely. Hardworking. High abilities.
Trustworthy. Honest. Keeps secrets. Cant control emotions. Unpredictable.
Today @ 12:30 AM
Friday, February 27, 2009
Today was slightly better than yesterday. Even though i got happier during evening time. Haha. It didn't rained today! So my shoes didn't got wet and i didn't felt very very cold. Which is good. Russians & China people today! I like Russians, the ladies are all very beautiful. And since my workplace only has 2 chineses(which includes me), i usually have to communicate with the people that came from China and only speaks mandarin. I'm off tomorrow(yay) and its also Jessie's last day at work. I wrote her a letter though and had entrusted it with another collegue of mine. Tomorrow's Saturday. Sadly, i don't have plans for tmr!!! When i seldom get off on Saturdays. Still, i hope i will head out tomorrow. Somebody ask me out please. Things to do:
1. Help out with laundry and some housework
2. Read Poly's enrollment documents and try to print the medical check-up form ASAP.
3. Get enough rest:)
I need to go shopping as well!! There's like dozens of things to get BUT i never seem to get it. Partly because i'm too busy with work. Nevermind i will redo my shopping list later.(i have got new things to add) I'm talking to Yiqi online now and we are telling each other how much we miss one another and school:) I miss School, i miss Peirce. I miss the times when me, Shan, Germ, Junxiu will crap with Shawn Tay, JY & Chap. (even shan misses this hehe) I miss going to Icekimo with Shan, Coke, Hongyu, Shawn Pang & Kahming. We used to frequent there every Friday or Saturday. Then we will talk about random stuffs and play the board games. I don't know what happened to me lately but i keep on missing about stuffs thats related to school. Oh and i want to bake cookies!! Been awhile since i baked. Tsk. I want cookies. Goodnight!
Slowly but surely.

The first photo was pretty random, the second photo was with Jolene. We will be best friends, forever:)
Today @ 11:41 PM
I miss you
I miss Peirce i miss school. Sigh. This time round, i'm gonna be a better person. I'm gonna be a better friend.
Today @ 12:00 AM
Thursday, February 26, 2009
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going
- To do on saturday, in case i forget:
Read up my enrollment documents & TRY to understand it
Print out my medical check-up form
Call Moe enquiry hotline
Today something super coincidental happened. Work was bad today even though there were nice customers. Today was my last day at work together with Jessie :( I'm very very very very very tired.
is it still me?
Today @ 8:10 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
To my dearest Jolene Howe,
Happy 17th Birthday!:) Friends for 5years, even though we only got really close in the 3rd year. I will never forget how i get to know you in the first place. I miss those times when we keep on teasing, disturbing and chasing each other around in school. Not forgetting you turning your head around and asking me endless of Mathematics questions in class. We will talk about all those stupid random stuffs during class, assemblys and recess time!!!(tgt with Yiqi and Laura) You are a very curious person -and still is. You should improve more on your memory(lest oneday you forget about me) and stop being so forgetful! I won't be able to text you or tell you to bring any school-related stuffs anymore because we are heading to different polys. I hope we will still meet up every now and then.. Thank you for being there for me when i'm upset. Thank you for giving me advices. Thank you for all the wonderful memories. And lastly, thank you for being my friend. Happy Birthday Jo Howe!
Alright, that is dedicated for Jolene:) Yesterday was a wonderful day. Headed to town with Shan & then met up with Jo and Chap. They were busy eating in Heeren. Anyway that place seems super cool. I want to go there again! Ha. Will upload pictures some other day. Walked to Somerset and took a train down to Amk. Both of them were going to catch a movie so me & Shan went to Subway. She ate but i didn't, because i'm going home for dinner. Catched up on alot of stuffs. Work today was kind of boring since there wasn't much people. Had sandwich and tea(with milk) for lunch! Thank you for the sandwich! It was very delicious! Jessie was very funny today! We kept on talking about crap & doing stupid stuffs. My workplace's songs are like so 80s' and 90s' Most of them are those slow love songs. However they also have jazz and songs by Craig David. Me & Jessie kept on teasing about the 'A-go a-go' dance. HA! I'm gonna miss her alot after this saturday. Freak i'm not working on saturday!! I want to work on that day because its Jessie's last day at work.. I'm gonna miss everything about her. Sigh. Work ended early today. 6.15pm. Coincidentally, Jo & Chap came to find me at my workplace at 6.15pm sharp. When they don't even know i had just knocked off! So well, we walked around together for awhile. I was tired, so i decided to go home first. Headed down to Thomson Plaza to buy takeaway dinner for myself. It was raining once i exited from Tp. Thank goodness i had an umbrella, but i found out it was spoilt.. But at least, it can shelter me from the rain. Maybe my Poly orientation is a stayover camp. Is this good or bad? Lol. Huixuan says, that i may have a chance to learn Japanese language!! However, i hope they offer some other languages. For instance, French or Russian or Italian! Haha! I doubt they do, though. I want to go eat my dark chocolates already! I hope tomorrow will be a better day, and most importantly, don't rain! Its freezing cold at my workplace but we are not allowed to wear sweaters/jackets/cardigans. People that are close to me should know how cold i usually get!
After so long, i realised i'm still stucked at the same place..
Today @ 9:08 PM
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
100th Entry

I just found out this is my 100th post! Going out later. My life's turning into a boring routine. Work almost everyday. When i have my day off, i will be either slacking away at home or heading out. It was nice meeting different kinds of people all around the world. Yesterday was the Amercians, British and Norweigns. Nice & friendly people. I hope to travel to Norway oneday. Its a really beautiful country. Very nature-like. Anyway, i don't understand a thing about the Poly enrollement package! There's so many documents for me to prepare. But i don't know when is the due date. Orientation will be from 13th to 17th April. Hmm........
Today @ 1:27 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Legends & Ireland
Legend has it, that this is where St Patrick banished all the snakes in Ireland.Today was a boring day. My legs are aching now.. Have to think of what to have for lunch tomorrow. I'm getting sick of the food available there. I have to remember to bring along my book to read during break. My memory's failing.. Korean & Sweden customers today. Just had supper not long ago. My dad bought for me. Supper is bad for health. I finally recieved my poly package yesterday night. Made me so anxious of not recieving it when all my friends had. Qixiang was right, there's so many important documents and i'm lazy to read it. Maybe i shall read it later. I'm not really looking forward to their orientation and the reopening of the school after all.. I miss my friends in Peirce. Doubt we will have time to meet up with each other(especially the JCs students) Will we even meet up to celebrate occasions like birthdays? Sigh. I have to head down to Centrepoint tomorrow for the transfer. I need help cause i'm not familar with that area(unlike Raffles City) Maybe i will seek help from Anas/Tenghow later. Today is not my day. I'm not feeling really happy now. Tell me, how true is your truest friend suppose to be? Substitution or replacement or none? Maybe i shouldn't care. I just realised there's alot of 'maybes' in this entry. Uncertainty.... I don't know whats up with me today. Well, i'm off to do some research. Goodnight.
Today @ 11:35 PM
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I woke up late today but i managed to make it in time for work! I woke up at 9am(usually is 8am) and took 20minutes to prepare. This is my first time getting everything done within such a short time! Ha. Usually i take one hour or so, for your information. Nearly missed my bus, though. Anyway, there was this really troublesome & weird customer! Its like she's really super mean and troublesome. Its not like we can do anything to the management. At that point of time, i really felt like screaming at her. Not just me. I'm very sure the others felt like doing that as well. After break, i had to head back to my workplace but it was raining super heavy! Thank goodness i had an umbrella, so its not that bad. Just then, a lady tapped on my shoulder.
Lady: Hey, could you give me a lift over to the opposite building?( i was heading to that building as well)
& Of course, i agreed. I mean, no harm right? She's a really nice lady and she told me that her friend's waiting for her but she doesn't have an umbrella. Basically we talked alot about random stuffs. Then she thanked me and we went separate ways. But my shoes were wet, so i guess i have to change my shoes for tomorrow.
Then, my friend/collegue told me a really bad news.. She just handed in her resignation letter and will be leaving this place in a week's time. When she broke the bad news to me, i was shocked. She may be upset at certain things, but i didn't know the thought of quitting would race through her mind. But she told me her reasons, and i find it reasonable. After 5minutes, i had to go for my break. That was also when my another friend/collegue text me, telling me the exact same news. I was like, shit, another one. Sigh and i was quite depressed about it lah. But well, i cannot do anything about it right? Sigh. I mean, if they are unhappy working in such an environment, why should they still stay on? As a friend, of course i would want them to be happy. As a collegue, i want the working environment to be pleasant because working together requires teamwork. Sigh, i will miss the both of you. All the joy, laughter and teasings. Hopefully, we won't lose contact though and maybe meet up every now and then..
Went to Thomson Plaza after work to meet Besties for dessert. So i had my hot dessert. Nice. We have been going there like almost weekend? Laughed and talked about lots of things. Anyway Sri made Agar Agar for me and now its in my fridge. I'm gonna eat it later. Its really nice i like it alot. And i appreciate it too!
Seriously i thought things will get better ever since that incident, but i reckon it got worse. We are all working in the same place, why can't we just help each other? Why must you draw the line so clearly? If you insist on drawing such a clear line, would there be any good teamwork? Then there you are, scolding whoever's new. Then there you are, showing black faces at people who have never offend you. Then there you are, nagging at the slightest thing. You never seem to care about anyone's feelings, except yours. You made someone cry, aren't you ashamed of it? Having experiences doesn't give you the right to scold the part-timers or anyone else. You don't even give the basic respect for the ones older than you. I never thought you would create such story just to get someone in trouble you know. By the way, you have a retard imagination to create such lame story. You are so despicable. Be thankful i'm using this adjective to describe you. Then there's another one. You are such a busy person 'cause you have to run between several places. Or to put it bluntly, to keep an eye on people. When profits aren't coming in, you blame us. But you never seem to find the root of the problem. Then when problems started surfacing, you get into a bad mood and just scold people randomly. We are not some superwoman or robot that are capable of meeting all your demands and expectations. As a (____) - I'm not saying it in case i get into some legal trouble....... You aren't being a role model at all. You don't deserve your collegues' respect. How could they? When you are so mean. Now now now, who's talking alot during work now? Its like you are so happy depsite knowing that she's just trying to suck up to you. But i'm sure you enjoy this, isn't it? Ha. I don't know why is she doing all these to us and resorting to all these dirty tricks. Childish act. Together the both of you make a perfect match.
Is this the kind of treatment you will get when you start to work? If this is, i can't imagine how bad it will be after my graduation & have a regular job. People are like betraying you and backstabbing you and sucking up to the higher ranks. So disgusting. Everyone are just wearing a mask. Nobody shows their genuine smile anymore. I really don't like this kind of environment, it just makes me dread going to work. I feel that i have lost all my enthusiasm in this job. I'm sick and tired of all your nonsense. I'm not gonna be a weakling. Whatever we do often comes with a price, and someday, it will be your turn. And now, I have feel so much better after saying all this out.
Today @ 11:58 PM
Friday, February 20, 2009
We walked along a crowded streetDidn't managed to go out today, because all of them are very busy. But its alright. Some other time then. Was super bored at home but i had a good rest. I guess i will shop some other day. Working in the morning tomorrow so i have to wake up early! Such a boring routine. Snacked on puffs and dark chocolates digestive biscuits for the whole day!!!! I hope i won't get a sore throat soon. I'm opting for a hot dessert tomorrow:) Oh, i just told Venice that whenever i talk to him, he reminds me of Macs. He agrees with me!! I think the reason why i think this way is because i always see him eat Fries. Omg i just found out Venice and I are listening to the same song as me! Found out through the Msn's personal message. Lol!! And then, i also just told Khairul(senior) that whenever i talk to him, he reminds me of Kfc. I also think its because we used to study often in Kfc last time. He said this, "Ok that is damn random wah lao eh" HAHA. Shit this post is also getting very redudant and random. Sigh, work will sucks tomorrow! Alright i think i will end it here. Bonne journée tomorrow!
Today @ 10:44 PM
Headed down to Raffles City for the transferring of items. There's like 23items in total. Now my back & shoulders are aching like crazy. Will it get better by tomorrow? Anyway i'm very happy now. Finally got a day off after working for 4 long days! Work today was interesting, you can say its the best day i ever had at work. All of us are more comfortable with the environment due to some reasons. Hehe. Sadly, after tomorrow, everything will be back to normal which is bad. Had dinner/lunch with Jessie. Usually we don't get to go for breaks together, which explains why we always have to eat alone. Met some weird customers as well. Tomorrow is Friday! I'm gonna go out. However i don't know whether i'm still meeting Jo they all or not. I hope we will. I miss them. Found out today why my pay for Jan is still not in yet!!!! Man, its like so long alrdy and she haven't help us submit the punch card. Now, my pay will only arrive only next month. Sigh. 12.05am alrdy, maybe i should go to bed now. Goodnight everyone!
Today @ 12:00 AM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Sandwich for lunch
Have to wake up earlier tomorrow and need to head down to RC for the transfering. I think i'm gonna get some donuts for them. Anyway work was tiring today hopefully tomorrow will be better. Encountered a French customer today. I feel that it is so much harder to talk in french rather than russian. Practice?? Anyway i was on the bus, on my way to work. A lady and a child in her arms boarded the bus. There was this old lady(like 70++) wanted to stand up and give her seat up but another woman stood up first and gave the seat to the lady & her child. At that moment, i couldn't help but to think how considerate the old lady was. I mean, she's already at this old age but yet, the thought of giving up her seat raced through her mind. Sights of people not giving up their seats is becoming very common now. I find it damn annoying when people do not give up their seats to those in need. Whats the problem of standing? Its nothing to be ashamed of, seriously. Alright, anyway after work today.. I walked to the bus stop to wait for my bus. There was this couple who have their child (3yrs old ++) with them. When the bus they were waiting for arrived, the little boy was so happy man! I bet he was happy and excited about boarding a vehicle(real vehicle) that can move. I can't help but to smile to myself because the scene was super cute! Lol.
Ok ok ok enough about my day. I'm now waiting for Shan to come online i wanna talk to her (Hey shan if you see this, HELLO!) Heh i hope friday comes fast! Pay for jan hasn't come in yet. Frowns. Even Jessie told me that. April coming soon. New school. I reckon i will be late for lectures most of the time.. Lol. I'm done with Olevels and i'm pleased with my results. I hope my education journey don't ends in poly. Been gaining weight ever since Cny. Shit i better go exercise soon! Anyway i should go to bed soon! I have to wake up earlier tomorrow. So goodnight to all!
Every time I see your face I know There's a part of me that can't bear to let you go
Today @ 11:14 PM
Could it be you?
Today @ 1:19 AM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Today at work was super cool. I had this customer(2 ladies) who came from Russia and we communicated using English & some(ok not much) Russian language! It was kind of fun. They were all very friendly & nice people. They were pretty surprised i knew some Russian language. I hope there will be some Frenchs or Russians tomorrow hehe. New stocks arrived today and it was damn busy. Hell crazy i tell you! Friday i will be going out, so happy!
However long the night, the dawn will break
African ProverbI like this quote. Not much people know whats my dream, though. I hope i will achieve it someday.
I never had much luck with love before
Today @ 12:13 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009
Love light
Made a new friend at work today! She's here on an attachment/internship programme. Hmm, soon it will be my turn. Had fun at work and i realised i encountered lots of weird incidents ever since i started work there. On the way home, i can't help but to think of everything that has happened in my life. Oh! And i can't wait to go shopping shopping shopping! I need to head down to Marks & Spencer during my break tomorrow again. I'm gonna buy more sweets and cookies and redcurrant puffs! And i have to think of what to eat for lunch & dinner again tomorrow since i'm working full shift. Anyway i learnt some basic Russian, French & Japanese words because most of the time, there will be Russians etc customers. Quite fun learning how to pronounce it the correct way with my other collegues though. 'Cause it sounds funny!! Haha.Somehow, i can't wait for school to start in April. But i know i will miss my collegues. Nevertheless, i hope school will be fun and interesting. A whole new enviornment a whole new atmosphere a whole new bunch of friends. I have got this Greek Myth to share
The Pomegranate Seeds
Zeus and Demeter had a beautiful daughter called Persephone. Hades fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. Hades asked Zeus if he could marry her, Zeus dare not say no because he did not want to upset Hades. He knew that if he said yes Demeter would be angry. Whatever he answered would be wrong, so he did not answer. Zeus hoped that Hades would just forget Persephone.
One day as she was sitting alone by a lake Hades; god of the Underworld stole her and took her away to his home to become his wife. When Demeter found that her daughter was missing she was very worried. She stopped eating and drinking, wore a dark veil and spent the whole time searching for her. Demeter went to the sun god;Helios. She thought that in his daily journey across the sky he must have seen what happened to Persephone. Helios told her that Hades had stolen Persephone away and married her, and that she must stay in the Underworld with him.
Demeter was so upset she would not let the plants grow. People and animals died because there was no food. Zeus sent for her and said that as long as Persephone had not eaten in the Underworld she could be freed. Hades could not argue because he knew that she had refused all food.
Persephone was back in her mother's arms when Hades gardener arrived and said that she had sucked on seven pomegranate seeds. That meant that she had to go back to the Underworld. Persephone cried and Demeter cried. It was decided that Persephone could live on earth for nine months, but must spend the other three months each year in the Underworld.
Every year whilst Persephone was away Demeter refused to allow any plants to grow. The trees would lose their leaves and all plants would die away to come again when Persephone was free. For evermore there was to be a winter each year.
Today @ 11:45 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
How can i explain this to you when i have difficulty understanding it?
Today @ 5:16 PM
Its 2.46am now and i'm still happily chatting with Shan on Msn. I just recieved a card/letter from Zm! Sweet of her! Oh great. I miss my clique, my girls, my besties, shan, jo and yiqi, venice and khai and etc...
Oh thank you Jolene & Chap! For looking me up at my workplace on Friday! Dinner with besties later on. Whoa freak it i'm super hungry now. Overview of my meals as on Saturday:
Lunch- Nasi Lemak. Dinner- Tea with Milk + Curry Puff. Snacked on Marks' & Spencer cookies(hehe)Basically i didn't eat much for dinner because i had a heavy lunch. Maybe i should try sleeping away my hunger. Goodnight everyone
Today @ 2:43 AM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine Day to all. Enjoyed work today! Eechen, thanks for the lovely sunflower:) Elsa, thanks for the card & chocolates! Valentine day is just another ordinary day for me. Spent it with Elsa, Jessie, Marian & JT and was working full shift today. Conversations between me, Elsa and Jessie was hell hilarious! I'm kind of addicted to Tea with Milk. Met some nice customers today:) Oh and i just found out something shocking yesterday! Remember i went swimming with Shan & Rachel on Wednesday? It turns out that the lifeguard on duty was my long lost friend. How cool is that? Amazingly, he still remember me & Shan! HA guess i will see him there often if i go there regularly. Hopefully i will be able to get to sleep tonight because i had tea at 6pm! If only everyday is as happy as today's. Nights everyone!
Today @ 11:34 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2009
'Cramps! (in chinese)' - Inside Joke
Just the 3 of usWent to swim with Shan & Rachel yesterday. Initally me and Shan wanted to go for jogging at the stadium but it was locked. So we headed down to the pool. The weather yesterday was fabulous! But me and Shan got sun burnt (a little) We had some funny conversations. Walked to Junction 8 to satisfy our hungry stomachs. We had Pastamania for lunch and i ended up having 'Miso Mushroom' It was delicious! We decided to do this often.(FTW!) Work was AWESOME today. Reason? I get to work with 3 of my wonderful collegues:) No stress, no pressure. More free and easy. Since i ended work at 6.15pm today, i went to shop! Hah! Bought stuffs. Accompanied Sri(my collegue) for awhile during her dinner break. Went for 20min's of shopping together heh. I enjoy working with her, she's like so motherly to me. I love her handmade 'AGAR AGAR'. Yay happy happy that I get to work with Elsa on Saturday. Valentines' day is coming this saturday. So unusual of it to fall on a weekend. Oh i just realised tomorrow is Friday the 13th.
Reaction: Retreat into the safety of solitude?
Today @ 10:31 PM
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Awesome weekend i had:) Work was normal and things got better. Cleared up some stuffs. Natasha, thanks for looking me up at my workplace! Saw Weijian coincidentally & as usual, talked about alot of stuffs! Since today was an OFF day for me, went out to catch 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' with the usuals & bestie. All i can say about the movie is.. Wow. I'll give it a 4/5 stars. I don't mind watching it all over again, seriously! Its awesome. Headed down to Wenjie's house. Today is the 2nd last day of Lunar New Year. Had steamboat with his family and also celebrated his niece's birthday. Lots of cute kids in his house! I love the steamboat's soup. Damn delicious. After that, chilled at Coffee Bean. When was the last time i had coffee at Coffee Bean? Can't remember though. Saw Kenneth on the way back and chit chatted. Yay i'm so happy today! Firstly i watched Benjamin Button and Secondly, everything got cleared up between me and bestie. And work is getting better. Okay thats all!
Your life is defined by its opportunities... even the ones you miss. We're meant to lose the people we love. How else would we know how important they are to us?
-The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Today @ 11:38 PM
Saturday, February 7, 2009
One Last Dance
By choice we became best friends. This is the 7th YearToday was fun. Worked full shift today and i'm so tired now. Anyway.. made a trip down today to Raffles City (my old workplace) to collect some stocks for the boutique. My old workplace were hiring people again! And as usual, there was a super super super long queue. (reminded me of something only me & Yiqi will understand) Those were the times. And since i was already there, i went to find my old collegues. All of them still remember me:) They were all doing fine, i guess. Updated on each other's lives and i promised to visit them whenever i can. The next time i'm going to, i'm gonna bring something for them! Even Yiqi agreed too. I miss working there. I will volunteer to take stocks only if it is to Raffles City. Back to boutique and got a really nice surprise. Thanks to Zak, Edwayne & Adrain for surprising me by showing up at my workplace!:) Had dinner with them but sadly i have to leave in 45minutues' time and get back to work. Overtimed today and thank goodness i'm not working morning shift tomorrow. I'm trying hard to enjoy working there. Gonna bug Jessie to remind me to head down to Marks & Spencer tomorrow! Yay, Benjamin Button this weekend. Hooray! Goodnight earthlings!
Today @ 12:12 AM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Finally, after reading 'Benjamin Button' book and months of waiting, 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' is out! I have to watch it Asap!
Today @ 11:11 PM
According to facebook, 'What does Your Birthday means'
You are prudent, circumspect and take things seriously. Before you make any move, you will think of a few alternatives that might take a while. You are patient, imaginative and target oriented. You value friendship more than anything else. Your Love, You usually study your partner carefully before making any move. You never demand anything beyond the natural quality of that person. Your sincerity doesn't bring excitement in your love life but it brings deeply grown relationship.
Your greatest STRENGTHS ...
Humorous, conscientious and principled
Your greatest WEAKNESS ...
Being hesitant, they often lose great opportunities
Jobs you should pursue ...
Social work, counseling, agriculture, care and prevention of cruelty to animals.
The part about my greatest weakness and the jobs i should pursue are so perfectly true!
Today @ 9:00 PM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Angry upset disappointed lost helpless needs help i must be a very very bad friend to everyone
Today @ 6:55 PM
Didn't know chilling at home was this great until today. Slept all the way till 2pm and has been on the computer till now. Dinner with A & W(eh? A & W? Lol?) the other day was nice.. In the end, i was the one who ate the most when they are supposed to be the ones! Ice cream after that. Life is super boring, work starts tomorrow. Everything is not going to be the same anymore.. when so much things had happened within a day. Somehow, i feel that everything in my life is going haywired, heading in the wrong direction. What must i do, so everything will turns out to be fine?
Today @ 6:35 PM
Few more days and Lunar New Year is ending. JCs had started & most of my friends had been going to school. Whereas for me, i have to wait till April. Thats when Poly reopens for me. Been working & working & working lately, and finally a break tomorrow which is today(Time check: 12.54am) Saw Jason(lim) coincidentally on the bus home & catch up with each other about life. Life has been pretty mundane for me. No more outings or anything that is super happening. Work has been not as great as what i had expected after all. I dislike working/studying in a new envoirment is because i don't like to make new friends & end up getting upset or disappointed when unpleasant things happen between us. Thats one point. Been sleeping really late & waking up early nowadays. I have better start training myself to sleep early & wake early because school's starting in about.. 2months' time. Somehow, i can't get to sleep though. Especially on nights when a thousand of thoughts start racing (at the speed of light) through your mind. Night
Today @ 12:53 AM
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Webcam with Zak was damn hilarious Lol. I was supposed to upload photos of CNY taken at Peiqin's house. But currently, i'm not in a very good mood, thus equals to no photos for this post. Sorry. Didn't managed to make it for Ice Kimo, sigh. Unable to make it for today Cny-visiting at Wenlynn's house, sigh. Wouldn't be able to make it for Starbucks tomorrow with the usuals, sigh. Most prolly won't be seeing many of my friends till (god knows when) because JC's starting real soon for them (majority of them going to JCs), sigh. All partly due to work. Even if my job ends, we will all be too busy to meet up. Just like these past 2 years, we were too busy with studies/school/Os preparation to hang out often. I guess that cycle gonna repeat itself after this coming Monday.
What about my clique? Been while and i miss you girls.. What about V, K, C? So long never meet up. Ever since the 'Mac' thing. What about Shan, Jolene & Yiqi? Jolene's overseas now, Shan's always busy and Yiqi will be super busy after Monday. What about the rest? What about them? Somehow, i don't want to mention too much about all these.
What do you do when anticipation turns to disappointment or when you find yourself thrown into the world of confusions?
Today @ 12:34 AM