Monday, March 30, 2009
Grief for departures, Excitement for arrivals.
So yesterday i had supper again with Sri & Tinghui. Talked about alot of funny and random stuffs. Samantha came to work here today!! Was happy to see her:) I got pricked by needle today while i was sewing and my finger started bleeding. However, i finally learnt how to sew hooks and buttons on. Which is great.
Tomorrow will be my official last day of work, and then i will have 20days of holidays to enjoy. This is sad.. again. Its like, somehow, i had gotten emotionally attached to this place. Even though there were so many unpleasant and politics stuffs, i must say i had really learnt alot there. And it was fun with the girls. Really. I remembered reading this poster once elsewhere. It wrote: Team- Together Everyone Achieve More. It was also nice to meet different kinds of people from all around the world and them telling me about their country, people, their family and etc.. Its really heartwarming. Its nice when someone compliments you, at least you know you are being appreciated and valued.
I couldn't help but to start thinking about my whole life. What i had really achieved and what i had not. Why is it that all those that are supposed to leave are not leaving and all those that are to stay are not staying??? Arrivals and departures are commonly seen in airports or harbours. But also in life, when you welcome a new life or when you bade goodbye to someone-for good. But i have a question. Will they still be in your memory??? Even though their physical presence is no longer there...
This whole post is so redudant. I don't even know why am i typing all this. Anyway, i know, i will enjoy my last day of work tomorrow :)
Today @ 10:41 PM
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Back to the o' times
So... i had a wonderful night just now:) I went to meet Peiqin for dinner and then i went to thomson plaza together with Qixiang & Yanseng. We bought ice cream and i bought my stuffs. No ice kimo because by the time Coke & Shan joined us, the shop will be closed. Went up to Yan's house(his room is unusually neat!!) Had lots of laughters. Homed and i'm sleeping soon. Will be getting my Olevels' cert and testimonial next week! 3 more working days.
Today @ 12:23 AM
Saturday, March 28, 2009
A matter of sincerity
Today's saturday. No plans for today. I wanted to call bestie out for dinner and dessert and some weekly catching up but i reckon she's busy with school work, so yeah. Maybe going for ice cream later in the night with Shan, Coke, Yanseng & Qx. Saw Shawn pang yesterday on the bus when i was on my way to work. So coincidental. We talked throughout the journey, catching up with each other's lives. And, i really want to thank Zak and Edwayne for visiting me at my workplace yesterday:) Anyway, work was damnnnnn fun yesterday!!! Haha, did closing with Sri and left the place at 11pm. She told me nobody ever left the place after 11pm, and so we were the first ones. Well, just know i had lots of fun. I love the curry puffs she bought and the agar agar she made;)
I think i'm going to thomson plaza later. I'm gonna handmade some farewell gifts for my collegues. This coming tuesday will be my last day of work. I don't know if i'm gonna sad that day or not. Oh well.... Such is life, i guess. I love the sticky sweets Sri bought man! Its damn nice! I want to go buy it. Its traditonal homemade Aussie sweets. Nicest sweets i ever had, i'm telling you:) So, i'm gonna get it. Oh, and i'm also getting my top tomorrow:) Yay! And.... i'm getting something else for peiqin tomorrow too. I've been spending really alot this month. Fortunately, according to my collegues, pay day was yesterday. So yeah, i just gotten my pay, just need to double check later on. But after deductions here and there(CPF), its really little :( Alright, gotta go!
Today @ 3:41 PM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I see you insteadI wasn't late for my medical check-up today. Even though i reached the place early, i still had to wait. I wonder why is everyone having a check up today when its a weekday morning and the specialist had already made an appointment with me. Anyway, managed to make it in time for work which starts at 12pm. So expected, i have to take an x-ray again. The 3rd x-ray in 2009. Thanks ah, for shortening my lifespan. Sigh. Work ends at 8.15pm today but i waited till 9.45pm for Sri & Tinghui. We went for supper together at Somerset! They were famous for their Mee Goreng(Indian style) So we had their signature dish which is Mee Goreng(Indian style), Nasi Goreng with Ikan Bilis and Roti John(mutton) Not forgetting teh tarik and milo dinosaur!! I didn't dare to drink teh tarik because i know i won't be able to get to sleep tonight. It was a mini farewell dinner for me since i'm leaving next week. Anyway we talked about lots of funny stuffs!We will go back there again some other day though:) I can guarantee you tomorrow will be a damn busy day, furthermore i'm working full shift. Plus there will be a fashion runway show tmr featuring dresses and diamonds. Oh well, i have better get to sleep now. But how to, when i'm still feeling so full from my supper?
Today @ 12:45 AM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
So blissful in an impossible way
Unfortunately, when i went shopping during my break time today, something caught my eye. I'm gonna get it tmr. Haha. Me and Tinghui got tons of things to talk about man. Thanks ah, Tinghui:) Sri says she will buy me the famous mutabak(is this how you spell it??) from Arab Street someday. Woohoooooooo! Anyway i had malay food today! They are really well-known for their mee rebus, but i want to try their Nasi pandang some other day. This is damn funny, i'm not keeping my promise, i'm gonna spend money tomorrow. Did i tell you guys i had this damn nice customer the other day? It was like this, i gave her the wrong stuffs so she came back to exchange. I thought she's gonna scold me or something but guess what! She didn't. Instead, she bought me food from The Soup Spoon! Furthermore, she asked me whether she needs to explain to my manager that it wasn't entirely my fault. So nice right? How i wish the world will have more people like her! But sadly, i don't think this is going to happen. Hah. And, i met this really cute old couple from Scotland who lives in Singapore. They are like bickering with each other in a really cute way;) I also met this old British couple. They told me they are going on a cruise and will be stopping by different countries like India, Malaysia and etc. After around 56days, they will reach home-United Kingdom. I think it is really nice and sweet to be able to travel around the world with your lifelong partner after retirement...
Well, medical check up at 10am tomorrow and i have to sleep early! So long, people!
Believe me, i'm not gonna go back the same route again...
Today @ 11:56 PM
Monday, March 23, 2009

Look at the msn conversation i just had with Khai. It was insane, seriously. Hahaha this is damn gay.
Today @ 11:35 PM
Its time for a change.
I don't know why but i'm not doing anything to savalge this whole damn thing. Sigh. I know this sounds cheesy, but i really hope things will get better in time...
Today @ 7:07 PM
Seriously i realised i had gained weight. Especially when i had consumed so much barbequed food recently. I'm gonna stop drinking soft drinks and drink plain water instead. And stop eating those oily food. Its making me feel sick anyway. Hah. I'm gonna enjoy 15days of holidays after 31march. It will be a brand new start for me once school starts. Today's not my day. I'm not feeling happy. I'm feeling upset. By the way, i just found out i have got another medical check up this coming tuesday. I seriously hope i don't have to do any x-rays again. Most probably i need to go for a x-ray or something so they will know my medical condition. Sucks. I had like 2 x-rays this year already, and its only March now. There's 9 more months to the end of 2009. Sigh. Well, its time for a shower!
Today @ 5:46 PM
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Moving Forward.
I'm only having 5hours of sleep these past few days!!! I'm so tired, i swear. I'm gonna sleep for straight 15hours tonight. Anyway, friday was my Primary school class gathering. Reunion! Had bbq over at Jasmine's house. It was raining very heavily that day and for a moment, we thought our bbq will be cancelled. Fortunately, it didn't. All of us remembered it was raining heavily 3years ago too, when we had a class bbq at Eechen's house;) Thats way too coincidental. Most of the people turned up and everything was hell fun. Everyone enjoyed it, i guess:) It was nice sitting there, chatting and catching up with each other's lives. We even had a walk down the memory lane by talking about the times we had in Pri 1 to 6. Feels like those good o' times. Now that its been 4years, we are all pursuing education at different institutes. 3/4 of the class went Jcs. The top scorer in my class for psle(2004) is still the top scorer for Olevels and went on to Victoria Jc. I really think my class did Ms Ho proud:) Oh, and guess what? Heh. I had 3 stingrays that day! Yummmmmmmy. Love stingrays. After bbq, we headed down to Ice3. Ice cream and chocolate fondue. It was awesome. Since it was Jasmine's house, there wasn't any Vodka or Whiskey or any alcoholic drinks like Jianyu's house collection. But it was good in a way, though. I reached home at 1.30am. My parents didn't scolded me. Things will be different if its with my secondary school friends or anybody else. Well, they never rushed me home whenever i'm out with my primary school friends:) Besides, i had 3 bodyguards to send me home eh so i don't have to worry, hehe ;) Furthermore, we already planned of what we gonna do this end of year holidays and 2years later!!! It will be fun, i tell you. We never had a chalet. The reason is very simple. Because Jy's second home is the chalet! Haha.
On Saturday, i rushed to meet my clique after my work. It was raining super heavily that day too! Gosh, seriously thought everything will be cancelled. Jo said the worst is everyone just bring the food home if the weather doesn't allow us to bbq. Thank god everything went as planned!:) Had alot of fun. Been ages since i saw them you know. Especially the JC people. Thanks to Chap & Kenzo who did most of the cooking!
Lastly, i can't wait for school to start. I'm definitely looking forward to getting a new laptop, shopping spree, and seeing Huixuan, Tinghui, Alicia, Jason & Coke in school. And to meet new people(don't worry i won't forget my old friends) Work is ending soon. I'm happy and sad though. Haha. Retail therapy next month. Alright, i'm gonna post the photos now! I know i'm gonna take 1 hour to upload all.
Kenzo & Kermin

Happy people because they get to have ice cream!!

Looks eh... burnt?

Jolene & Chap. Sooo sweet ;)

Today @ 9:45 PM
Today @ 12:46 AM
Friday, March 20, 2009
Eye Candy
I'm meeting Jessie next week for tea and maybe carrot cake;) We(me, sri and jessie) love tea!! Especially chinese tea. Teh Tarik will be good though. I hope it doesn't rain later!!! Or else the bbq will be ruined. I'm so happy now because i'm meeting my friends later. I want school to start! It will be great to know new people:) Maybe getting my laptop next month together with Jason. Tomorrow tomorrow!!!!! Cannot wait. Alright i should go and bathe now and then head down to Jasmine's house! Else i will be late. Hehe. Byebye!
Today @ 4:22 PM
Currently.. i'm in a very happy mood now! Excited as well. I'm excited for Primary school class bbq!!! Its been awhile since i last saw all of them:) 7-10 years of friendship now. Can't wait. I'll be going to Jasmine's house later together with the rest to help out with the food & bbq preparation. Yay STINGRAY!!! You know how much i love stingrays. I think i have got 2 mosquitoes bites! Damn itchy itchy itchy itchy! Today was my last day working with Marian because she's going overseas for the next couple of weeks, till 4th april. And by then, i won't be working anymore. So yeah, we gave each other a farewell hug just now :( Did i mention that Jessie came back to visit us last week? Anyway, she did and even bought us stuffs. Haha, i was so happy to see her and i gave her a quick hug! Couldn't talk to her much because there were alot of customers at that time. Hmm... i wonder what will my last day of work will be like... I need to do other stuffs already. Will be back to blog maybe on sunday? Pictures will be here then. I'm having bbq on friday(pri school) and saturday(sec sch friends) Till sunday then! Goodnight to you.
Today @ 12:19 AM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Year 1 in Peirce
I got admitted in Peirce Secondary, 1E2. We were probably the most noisy and enthusiastic class among the other sec1 classes. 1E2 was the class where i get to know new people. I had a clique back then: Xueqin, Stella, Kermin, Chengni, Siyun & Huixuan. 1E2 was also where i got to know other people like Rachel & Hongyu etc. Ms Hong was our form teacher and Mr Lee Hai Rong was our co-form teacher. I had sec1 NE Camp that year. There was a night where we had to sleep in the tents near the d&t block and we heard quite a few ghost stories about that block. Anyway, year 1 ended fast!
Year 2 in Peirce
I got admitted in 2E2, but sadly not everyone from 1E2 got into 2E2. However, i made new classmates too. That was the year when we had streaming and it was quite stressful. Thank god i had lots of advices & encouragements from Ms Hong and my other friends. I went to the Eco Camp at Malaysia and had lots of fun there, even though it was just a 2D1N stay. End of the year, i went to the sec2 Adventure Camp. It was my first time kayaking and it was fun;)
Year 3 in Peirce
We moved to the school at Amk because the one in Bishan will be undergoing a
upgrade/renovation(??) Streaming results was out and i was to go to 3E4. I thought it was gonna be bad but i was wrong. That was the year when i got close to Jolene, Shan, Germaine & Junxiu. That was also the year when i get to knew Shawn Tay, Natasha and Peiyee and many more. And of course, not forgetting Yiqi! I must say, my class was quite rebelious. Haha. Mr Lee Boon Kiat was my form teacher and he was verrrrrrrry funny. He gave me lots of encouragement too. I was also the GL(Group Leader) for the Sec1's NE Camp along with my other schoolmates. It was hell fun!! We taught cheers to the sec1s and took care of them. But sadly, it wasn't a stayover camp but nevertheless, we had tons of fun(i'm sure all the GLs agree with me) I went to Outward Bound Singapore (obs) Camp around 3days after taking my Olevel's Mother Tongue Paper. Obs was seriously fun!! 5D4N in Pulau Ubin. I was in this group called Columbus together with Chenghong, ShawnTay and etc. That was also the time when i knew Eychelle, Justin, Danella, Xiuhui & Shengrui etc. My instrustor was Haizul(funny guy) We had kayaking, rock-climbing and we even had to climb a tunnel alone on one of the nights! We consumed instant noodles & canned-food for 5days. Haha. At the end of the year, i went to be a GL for the sec1's orientation. Got into the same group together with Shan, Coke, Rachel, Yanseng & QX. We had alot of fun, as usual. Haha. Participated in lots of game and taught the sec1s cheers. We practically keep on shouting cheers till we had a bad sore throat.
Year 4 in Peirce
4E4. Olevel year. Teachers kept on stressing about olevels. Preparations for Olevels started. It was a very hectic and stressful year. Remedials and tests almost everyday. Homework started piling up like there's no tomorrow.. However, it was also the year that all of us got more bonded together:) Ms Pang became our form teacher and Mr Lee became the co-form. The both of them are very funny. We had lots of cips, and i guess i like the Awwa Home visit the most. Laura kept on teasing me, Jo & Yiqi during recess. Haha. Even though we were all pretty busy mugging, but as a class, we had alot of fun. Graduation ceremony was sad. Midyears came, Prelims came, and finally the last lap -Olevels. Olevels ended within a month. It was a holiday for us, not forgetting to party!!! But it was sad at the same time.
12January2009, 2pm
Olevels' results. The final results/outcome of the hard work you had put in for the last 4 years.
I enjoyed my last 2 years in Peirce the most:) Its 19March2009 now, haven't been schooling for around 5months. I know people will say i'm insane, but i kind of miss school. I miss Peirce & all the fun times i had there, even though there were many strict rules and regulations. If i didn't went to Peirce, maybe i won't know my clique, 2e2, 4e4, seniors(venice, khai) & juniors(khai, chew, laura) and many many many more...
Pardon me for typing so much and making your eyes suffer by reading a whole lot of words. But you know, sometimes it is nice to think about the past and reminiscence about it! I don't know why am i saying all these. I just feel like typing it all out. Jolene and i are webcaming now. Haha, its like so funny ok!!! I miss her so much, can't wait to see her on Saturday together with the rest. I keep on teasing her about the song title 'Jolene' (Hey, there is really such a song ok) Oh well......... i should get to bed soon. Goodnight:)
Today @ 1:01 AM
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Its funny how you don't seem to have anything to talk about to one of your close friends anymore. Its funny how the both of you feels weird with each other's presence.
Today @ 1:50 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009
I just realised i owe Yiqi, Xk & Ys BEN'S AND JERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahah, meet up soon so i can treat you guys ;)
Today @ 7:56 PM
Chewing Gum. Taste: Sweet. Mood: Happy
Today was a happy day:) Finally met up with Chew after soooooooo long! She just finished school and then we went to town. It was raining very heavily and it was so cold. We had 'The Soup Spoon' for lunch. Yummmmmmmy! It was very very delicious. Love the soup. It tastes exceptionally nice on rainy days. So anyway we walked around. She bought something for her Mum. I wanted to buy the topshop jeans but then i don't like it bootcut so in the end i bought a demin jeans:( I hope i won't just abandon the jeans in my waredrobe. However, i guess i will wear it often when school starts, right? Hah. We laughed, talked and catched up on lots of stuffs. Home early as she gotta meet her family. I have been spending quite alot lately. I'm not gonna
spend my money on anything else except on food & transport this month. I'm gonna save up:) I have got no idea why i kept munching on apples today. I already had 2 and i'm seriously intending to have another one later. I think its because the apple is really sweet. I want to microwave pizza later. Anyway i'm thinking whether to extend my contract or not..... I'm off tomorrow. I think i want to stay at home and sleep till 12pm and then help my mum with the housework! Sounds good, eh? Haha. I will upload the pictures of today's once i get hold of it.
Today @ 7:40 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Hey hello! I'm happy today. Today was a great day. Today was a fantastic day. Today was an awesome day. Its really nice when someone praises/compliment you and appreciate your help. Anyway i'm having lots of off days this week. Yay i'm not working on monday & tuesday! I'm the only fortunate one to get 2days off straight in a row. But i'm gonna miss Sri. I'm gonna do up my planner later on, i wanted to last night but i was too tired to do it. This week is gonna be a blast for me i'm sure ;) I'm meeting Chewing gum tomorrow(hopefully) yay i miss her so much! I'm definitely looking forward to my primary school gathering because all of them will turn up! I think i'm really feeling happy now.
Today @ 11:29 PM
Now, Wenlynn is making me feeling very quilty on msn! I know i know i know, i'm regretting now. But there's nothing i can do to salvage everything. Doing nothing = Losing everything
Today @ 1:08 AM

Happy 17th Germmmmmmm!
Headed out after work on 13th. Went for dinner together with Rachel & Germaine. Was supposed to celebrate her birthday. Anyway Shan wasn't feeling really well to join us. Anyway, we went to this place called 'Tim's Restaurant & Cafe' to have our dinner. All of us were really bloated after the dinner. The 3 of us love their Oysters! Its super fresh. Yummy! I feel like having it now:) Haha.
Oh wait! Its 12am alrdy! Happy 17th Peiqin!!!!!!!! 7years of friendship:) Hehe. Anyay, i just found out i'm having 2 bbq on two consecutive days next week!! Hopefully i won't get like food poisoning or what. Haha. I'm gonna meet Chew for Soup Spoon next week!! Yay. And and and, i'm gonna go Chomp Chomp Food Centre to have stingray, satays etc with my usual friends. I want to go picnic! I'm dying to go for a picnic. It seems like the March holidays had affected me somehow even though my school hasn't started. I cannot wait for my work to end so i can catch up with my old friends(for eg: Venice & Khai) but yet at the same time, i'm afraid days will pass by slowly because i wouldn't be busy with something. HA. Why is everyone going on a vacation either to Hongkong or Taiwan this month??? Shan is already in Hongkong now. I'm gonna miss them all even though they will only be gone for a few days. I look so restless and tired nowadays. I'm really really deprived of sleep. And i'm putting on weight. Haha. Gotta catch up on my sleep later:) Anyway, i have got this feeling that i'm gonna spend my money on shopping after my contact ends. Retail therapy maybe? This is bad, i gotta control my spending!
Okay, i'm going off now to do my planner!
Sucks! Am i still trapped in the cycle?
Today @ 12:00 AM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Exhaustion. Fatigue. Lethargic
Hello there. I'm really exhausted. Today was great. Will blog about it some other day together with photos. Hey Shan, have fun and take care on your trip. Bon Voyage! I need to sleep now. Goodnight everyone, Goodnight to you
Maintenant que les lignes ont ete briseesQue puis-je dire?
Today @ 12:47 AM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I'm actually feeling a little bit excited for school to start now. Haha. Maybe it will be nice to know new people and study in a whole new environment. Since my school is near Ikea, I can head down to the Ikea with my new friends and have Swedish meatballs & hotdogs anytime we are free!! Yay! But the part i hate about the school is the location! I need up to 2hours to travel to the school and when i come home, its another 2hours. 4hours spent on travelling! Okay maybe if circumstances are really bad, i can stay over at my Aunt's house. (Its near my school) Hehe. Nevertheless, i hope all the travelling accumulated in the next 3years will prove to be worthwhile. I'm gonna study even harder than what i did for Olevels, and hopefully, get a scholarship!
Anyway, i'm gonna get a laptop soon! Yay. I'm gonna go to school together with Coke & Jason Lim. By the way, i just realised the 3 of us have never been to a school that is 10 bus stops away because coincidentally, the 3 of us went to the same Primary & Secondary school. Haha. We are gonna try out different routes. Maybe i should get an ipod soon to accompany me to school. 2hours of travelling can be very boring without music. I hope i will get into the same class as Huixuan:) I'm still contemplating whether to go for the freshman orientation. Its not compulsory but it seems fun. Besides, i can choose to go for their workshop(non-residential) or the camp-workshop(residential) I quite miss going for stayover camps. After that orientation, i have to go for another compulsory orientation which is on the 16th and 17th of april. I'm somewhat looking forward to the 16th and 17th orientation, though. It will be nice to know someone new and make new friends.
Enough about my school. Tomorrow is the last day of Term1! I will be heading back to Peirce soon to collect my Olevels certificate:) Today, Laura and Khai told me about their results on Msn(They got back their results slip today) I was happy for them in some way. Haha. Anyway, study hard, the both of you! I'm heading out after work tomorrow! Finally. I should get some sleep soon. Goodnight everyone!
It wasn't meant to be...Or, maybe, it was meant not to be.
Today @ 11:19 PM
Dare you to move
Today:1. Off day
2. Out to collect medical report
3. Photocopied stuffs
4. Had early dinner
5. Walked around
6. Saw many many many interesting things
7. Bought cereals(?????? -i don't know why i did)
8. Home
Tomorrow:1. Wake up, bathe
2. Mail in my enrollment documents!!
3. Go to work
4. Home after work(its Friday tomorrow, sigh)
5. ????????????
6. ????????????
7. ????????????
8. ????????????
9. ????????????
10. ??????????
Anyway, no hot dessert this weekend because i'm unable to make it. I miss my friends terribly.
March holidays next week! Am i supposed to rejoice or not?
Today @ 6:52 PM
Monday, March 9, 2009
Things change. People change. Circumstances change. Change, one of the inevitable laws of nature...
Today @ 10:16 PM
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Yesterday was supposed to meet up with Yiqi, Ys & Xk for breakfast. By the way, i want to thank Xin Kai for his help!! As i was saying... me & Yiqi couldn't wake up. Haha. We were supposed to meet at 7.30am. It was kind of disappointing because i was really looking forward to it since Wednesday but its okay. Hopefully next saturday. March holidays are coming anyway!:) Yay. I'll be seeing most of my friends by then. Primary school gatherings, my clique, Shan Junxiu they all & even Marilyn. Looking forward. Work started at 330 for me yesterday. So i went for my medical check up in the early afternoon and i went shopping by myself after that. I bought stuffs(again) I guess i will have to submit the other documents first because my medical report will only be ready in 3days' time.. Sigh so which means, i have to hand in separately(troublesome) Oh i like yesterday and bus no. 132! Haha. Because on my way to Amk, i saw Khai(junior) on the bus! Both of us were surprised. And then, later on, Marilyn boarded the bus. She didn't see me because i was on the upper deck of the bus while she was on the lower deck. So i went to surprise her:) And then we catched up on some stuffs and we are planning to meet up during the March holidays. I miss the both of them alot.
Anyway i headed down to Ice Kimo yesterday after work to meet Hongyu & Shan they all(the ice kimo people) We laughed, joked, talked about random stuffs. It was nice to meet them all & catch up with one another:)
Today was my off day. I didn't rest at home. Instead i went out. I met up with Germaine at Amk. We took a train down to somewhere to collect stuffs and then we went to Town. Basically... Germ & I walked around and since the weather was so hot, we decided to have bubble tea. When was the last time i had one? I can't remember, though. Haha. Anyway.... she bought stuffs. Fortunately, nothing caught my eye. Or else i will end up spending alot of money. After which, we went to Takashimaya! We had pepper lunch for dinner. It was very filling and nice. We talked about alot alot of things. And we had a good laugh about some stuffs too! After dinner we went to shop again. Haha, we were very talkative today:) Took a train together with her and then we went separate ways. Hopefully we will meet up tomorrow with the rest.
Work resumes tomorrow. I hope it will better because there will be Sri. I have to think of what to eat again! Sick of all the food available there. But i don't have any choice, right?
Today @ 10:29 PM
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Weifen is glad that Laura & Yiqi were there to cheer her up. Weifen is happy now because she can go for a medical check up later in the day! Weifen's meeting Yiqi, Xk & Ys in 5hours' time for breakfast! (Another thing to rejoice) Weifen is extremely tired now. She NEEDS to go to sleep now. So, Goodnight!
Today @ 1:23 AM
I hate going to town on weekends. Its so crowded!!!! Ugh. I wish i could just freeze all of them. I'm very sad now. Because i can't do my medical check up tmr as most of the clinics only open till 10am!!! :( :( :( :(
Today @ 12:09 AM
Thursday, March 5, 2009
If something isn't meant to be yours, there's no point forcing it/thinking about it
It was raining in Paris, France. A solitary woman was seen carrying a purple(the colour is very similar to the flowers) umbrella. She's taking a stroll and enjoying this moment.Today was as normal as any other day. Anyway... I have a new collegue, or rather friend. She happens to be in the 2nd year of Tp, studying Psychology. Ha! Maybe i will bump into her next time:) So, work ended early today. 6.15pm. There was alot of people. I like it when its crowded. It beats staying there and doing nothing. I had a very very very nice customer today. She's really nice and polite. Somehow, i got this feeling i'm gonna miss my workplace very much after my contract ends.. Even though i grumble about the people there, but there were also nice collegues. For eg, Sri. She takes care of me alot. Not just me, but the rest as well. Followed by Marian, my supervisor. She's very comical at times. Jessie, who had left. She was the only one who will do silly stuffs with me. Supriya, she's very nice as well. Sometimes, if it is your lucky day, you will get to encounter nice customers. At least it tells me that there are still very nice people in this world. Sometimes, you encounter tourists. Take for instance, the Amercians, Britishs, Europeans and Russians. Its pretty interesting when they talk to you about their own culture or about their own country. Maybe thats what made me want to learn their language. Maybe i love to meet people from all walks of life. Sometimes, i have customers who left their things behind(due to forgetfulness) Thank god we discovered it early and manage to hand it back to the customers. You get this really nice feeling when they start thanking you. However, when you get those really mean & unreasonable customers, it is very annoying. In all, i know i will miss everything. I hope it rains tomorrow. I like rainy days. I'm getting sick soon. Having headaches nowadays! I'm gonna have a cold/flu soon. Because my workplace is extremely cold! Argh i was like freezing or shivering or maybe both i don't know. Okay i'm going off now to do some research. Goodnight! Oh wait. How nice... Its raining now.
Today @ 10:15 PM
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Alright, i'm having a really bad headache now. My sister is making some lemon juice for me(she says it helps) If it doesn't, maybe i should just have the panadol for headache. I don't want to think about anything right now. I finally see it. That i'm no longer the one.
Today @ 10:32 PM
4 Sentences
Been awhile since i blogged. Life has been boring. I have got nothing to say. Au Revoir.
Today @ 5:38 PM
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Remarkable colors and composition. Everything seems suspended on a sheet of glass, with not a ripple of water nor wind to disturb the moment. This is what you see in the morning of Sweden.Today was a great day i suppose. I had lunch and went home together with Nata today because we ended work at the same time! Such an coincidence. I'm so excited that Chew just signed in not long ago cause i very long never talk to her already! We catched up on alot of stuffs:) Okay tomorrow i must remember to call Moe, call them before i go to work-10am. Then wednesday i should go print out the medical check-up form. Ha! Okay i hope everything goes as planned. Yay my pay for Jan has come in. Like finally! But the amount don't really tally.. Hmm............ Nevermind, i shall go to sleep now! Goodnight!
Today @ 10:46 PM