Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I'm so tired, tired tired tired tired. School is tiring me out, seriously. And why am i always either late by 1-5min or reached on time?? 1.5hours of travelling doesn't seem to be enough?!! I don't want to be late for tutorials and lectures, especially tutorials because they do take attendance. Sigh. Anyway, i'm online so as to go to some websites our lecturer told us to. Need to read up on UNWTO. And need to sign in to ole-bb. Seriously i hate printing/photocopying lec and tut notes for Fb Fund & Int HT!!!! Oh yes, i have an obs outing tmr. Its been close to 3 years since we had that fantastic 5days 4 nights camp in Pulau Ubin! Does anybody have any idea where's island cremery?!?!! If you know, please let me know k!!!
Today @ 6:57 PM
Monday, April 27, 2009
Okay i'm only coming online for maybe around 30minutes and i'm off to do my homework. School ended at 5pm and i got home at 630pm, awesomeeee. Formed groups during Introduction to Hospitality & Tourism tutorial today. Hopefully we will have a great time working together, right? For presentations we have to wear formal- office wear. Principles of Management lecture was FUNNY today, thanks to the lecturer! Nice guy and he chased our monday blues away:) Research on Hospitality & Tourism was hell boring boring boring boring nobody understood what he was talking about shit so am i and thats why i wanna go read through it later on and try my very best to understand it! Lunch at Medusa(correct?) Cafe today, i had japanese food. And i have a new classmate today!! She's called Irah, hopefully we will click well! Haha. I was late for school/first lecture today!!!!! I was damn pissed. The traffic was really horrible. Sigh it will be bad if everyday's like that. I was late for 15minutes, missed out on some stuffs for POM. Tsk. And i'm not gonna allow myself to be late for lectures again.
Today @ 6:50 PM
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Bees experience!
Oh my gooooooooooooooooooooooooooood. Khairul is most probably the only friend i have that can make me laugh like mad easily. Hahah.
Today @ 12:52 AM
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I don't fit quite right... In your world.
Hi, i'm back from my grandfather's place. Okay, so now i'm an Aunt for 2 baby boy twins? There was buffet to celebrate the twins' 1st month birthday. Anyway... I never enjoy such gatherings(only for my dad's side) Don't ask me why, but if you really wanna know, i guess thats because my cousins and us(me and my 2 elder sisters) do not have anything to talk about. Probably because our of the differences in our ages? Can you imagine? I'm the youngest there, for now, excluding the newborns of course. Whats worse is that i only went with my dad today so i have got nobody(eg my sisters) to talk to. I'm not really close to them. I called the wrong Aunt the wrong name today, fyi. It was like, wtf?! Sometimes i envy my friends being so close to their cousins, and they most probably hangs out together or what. Funny how it seems that i feel so awkward today despite the fact that the same type of blood flows in our bodies. The rest of my aunties and uncles are pretty nice people, but i just don't like one of my uncles. Anyway, i wonder why some of them doesn't talk to my grandfather. My grandfather is now 93years old, and he's pretty lonely. Even though he lives with one of his son(my uncle) but all of them seem to be so busy with their lives, and furthermore, my grandmother passed away 17years ago already. I really feel that i should learn my own dialect language, Hainanese so i can interact with him in that language and make conversations more interesting. I think i should learn to speak Hokkien & Teochew?? So as to interact with my grandparents(mum's side) and also other old people who i'm not related with. It is easy to satisfy old people. Don't you think so? They just want their children & grandchildren to be happy in life(doesn't have to be successful). They also
just want to talk to somebody about their own life experiences and etc. Sigh. Everytime i'm back from my grandfather's place, i would really think alot. Quite annoying actually haha. I don't want to let my parents down.
I've been missing this one friend of mine, but things never get better in time. Or maybe... I've already long given up thinking that oneday she will realise that i'm sad/angry about her. But why does my heart still wishes that she will realise it and come talk to me???
I found out yesterday that you can never trust a man's words. Never. I feel so disappointed.
Okay this whole post is getting very emo. So sorry you have to bear with my emo words. Hahah wouldn't be coming online tomorrow. Gotta start studying. I'm going off to google "heilongjiang" I think its some place that is near the China & Russia borders. I've got no ideas what exactly this is about thats why i'm going to do a research on it! Haha.
Au Revoir!!!
Today @ 10:00 PM
Sigh, better complete my homework asap! I guess starting from next week onwards, we will be all overloaded with projects and assignments.
Today @ 5:01 PM
Today's saturday!!! = No school. Yay! Ok school's been interesting. I'm looking forward to school now and i have already gotten used to waking up at 630 from Monday to Friday. First week of school had passed, how fast is that? I have still got 6 more weeks to the end of my term1 and then i'll have my examinations. 6 weeks seem to be alot but in actual fact, it is very little. Alright lets talk about yesterday! We had breakfast at bizpark and Zhengyi & Sindy came! Zhengyi brought along his skates cause he got trng sessions in the evening. Coooool. So we ate, talked and etc etc. Talked about outings and plans? Went off for our 11am lectures. Food & Beverges Fundamentals. First topics we covered was herbs, spices and sauces. Wow. All i can say is that i learnt alot of things! Didn't know there's so many different types of stuffs to enhance flavouring. But there's sure lots of things to memorize for examinations. Haha. Okay the lecturer was very funny. And some people kept on suggesting funny answers!! Basically, during the whole lecture time the room was filled with laughters & silence. Irony?? I hope it will fun when we go to TAS in the 2nd/3rd year. Maybe we will learn about wine tasting? Anyway the lecture taught us a bit on Molecular Gastronomy. And there were quite alot of herbs & spices whose name originated from French words. Very interesting!
So fb fund lecture ended at 1pm and we went to walked around the CCA booths. Cool. Went to school of design to have lunch again. Haha western food lah! After that i went to thomson plaza to do some catching up with my bestie! Dessert again, of course.
The weather's crazy nowadays! Tsk... Ah i have decided to have a cup of coffee/tea every morning before going to school. It really helps you know! In that case i won't fall asleep during lectures. And we have to print lecture notes on 2 subjects from the website. And ole-bb doesn't seem to be of much help?! Sigh troublesome much. Alright i'm going off to finish up my homework and revise some topics. Oh and here are the photos of my orientation last thurs and fri(credits goes to Wanting!) and my HTM orientation!:)

Saw the people who were wearing yellow shirts on the boat?!!! Its School of Business students!

Hehe, Sch of business won the Regetta(dragonboat) Competition!

(Class rep and assistant class rep were seated infront!) RESULTS OF OUR HARDWORK!
04 04 is the best!
Don't care north south east or west!
You can put us to the test!
We will leave out all the rest!
Today @ 12:24 PM
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Hehehehehehehe pratically 1H04 and the GLS are talking on msn now and its damn hilarious I SWEAR. We wanted to do cheers over the msn but its gonna spam and lag everyone's lappy! Haha. School starts at 11am and ends at 1pm tmrw?!! So my class are having breakfast at bizpark tmr! STEADY. Goodnight!
Today @ 11:22 PM

I got it from Shan's blog!;) 2 more photos on QX's birthday. (see i look so much tanner in the first photo thanks to the orientation!)
Principles Management, Marco Econs, Research on HT, Introduction to HT, Communication skills 1, Food & Beverages Fundamentals. Sigh, i gotta revise on them soon! I don't understand certain topics because i wasn't paying much attention during lectures. Too sleepy. Maybe i should have a cup of coffee every morning before i go to school? Haha, kay kay gotta go. Goodbye. 2 hours of lesson again tmr. Ahhhh.
Today @ 8:27 PM
Tp is the best place to be.
I have got no schools today because there is no lectures! Finally i'm able to come online and blog. I have only got 2 hours of school again tmr?? Haha. Anyway, i had a really great week(even though its only thursday!)
On sunday, i went out with Shan to get something and maybe do some shopping? ;) She bought reallllllly alot of stuffs! Hehe, headed to Shoduko Streets of Japan @ Heeren to have our dinner. It was very very very delicious! She had crepe with red bean while i had waffle with ice cream for dessert. Totally love the ice cream. We caught up on each other lives. Feels great:)
Monday was the first day of school. Had been looking forward to it since Friday? My class have 4hours of break in between so we decided to head to Tampiness Mall to watch MOVIE!!! Whoa, first day of school we already had a class outing???(ok not all) Pretty cool huh! We watched 17 Again! Zac Efron really reminds me of pang? Actually it was more like the girls wanna watch it but we convinced the guys to :P So after that we had lunch together.
On Tuesday, school ended at 1pm so stayed back after school with some of them. To chit chat and do abit of homework?? Anyway i met Coke after his lessons end and we went to meet up with QX. We planned a surprise for him but i guess he somehow knew about it anyway. Haha. Nevertheless we had lots of fun, i guess. So we went to New York New York to eat and celebrate QX's birthday! It was funny. Haven't been seeing my secondary school mates for quite some time already. Back home with Shan coke and kahming.
On Wednesday, it was the most packed day ever. We went to Sch Of Design to have our lunch :P Western food! Heard that its the best? Lectures ended at 4pm and then we have HTM orientation at 5pm. Anyway, i didn't regretted going! Hahah. Assembled at ampitheatre. Zheng Yi and Sindy were back as gls for us! So anywhere we played games and stuffs. Run here run there. Cheer here cheer there. IT WAS FUN. Totally love our cheers! The ones we created:)
Anyway, our class won the best cheers award!!! Hooray! At first we though we wouldn't win anything but it was totally unexpected when they announce us as the 'best cheers' class. I guesss we won with our originality. Our mascott was verrrrrry pretty yesterday! Hahah my class people get what i mean. Distributed the prizes and stuffs. It ended at 11pm ystd so i missed my 2nd bus! Luckily my dad came to fetch me. Reached home at 1230am and i had a really good sleep.
Called Yiqi up yesterday and had a nice chat! Talked for about 35minutes. I think my class is getting more bonded now. Even though i know there's still room for improvement. I hate lectures man! I cannot help but to start falling asleep. Shit this shouldn't be happening!!! Or else i wouldn't understand a single thing about what my lectures had said. Sigh. How how how. Maybe i should have coffee in the morning before heading to school. Its good that our lecture rooms are all very near to Cheers. We always went there to buy snacks during our break time in lectures. Haha! Currently i have no idea what cca i wanna join! I have one in mind but i don't want to go for trainings on saturday! Its insane. Argh. Alright, have to go study later in the noon. Bye! Will upload class photos and orientation photos another day:) I'm lazy to place them all in order.
Today @ 1:31 PM
Monday, April 20, 2009
Hey! I've got totally no time to blog because i need to get to sleep soon. School's starting late for me and i just have to go to school for 2hours. Because there is only one tutorial. Haha. So i'll be in school from 11am to 1pm!!! Hopefully will find time to do up the contact list tmr. Gotta go, will blog about Sunday and Monday some other day! Bye!
Today @ 11:59 PM
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I'M BACK FROM ORIENTATION!! I had lots of fun these 2 days man, even though it was very tiring! Ok so yesterday i meet up with Coke again to go to sch together and then i saw Xinkai in the lift AGAIN. Haha damn coincidental can! Then i waited for Sihui at my school's mushroom and headed to Auditorium 2. So we met up with our care person and course manager, got a better idea of what we will be expecting in the next 3 years. My SLs were damn cute, they created cheers for us. They told us in Tp, cheers is a very sensitive topic. They said you can never say cheers similar to any others or else they will say you er, copy? Haha. Lunch was the same old thing again! Ah, what can you expect anyway?? Ok so we went to the sports complex/stadium and started cheering again. Then we went to the Bedok Reservoir for the dragonboat competition!!!! Its just a 5min walk from my school. School of Business won the races for Freshman girls and boys, and Year 2 girls and boys too! We were the champion overall, for the 5th time :) It was really nice to watch dragonboat races, some more we were seated near the finishing line, so yeah. Hehe. Mass dance were damn cute, i like my school's mass dance! The school also hired singapore number 1 wakeboarder to perform wakeboarding. Nice nice nice! It was really wonderful. My school has wakeboarding as cca, cool right! Hehe, my school has alot of pretty girls & hot guys;) Anyway i went to meet Shan for awhile. We went to Wisma then to Bishan. Its been a while since we went shopping together and it was nice to see her! (Even though it was quite rush because we met each other at 830pm!)
I'm quite burnt now, because the sun was really strong yesterday. But i had a really wonderful time. My class is more bonded now! Alyn, Wanting, Sihui, Jane, Shirley, Kerry, Shengxiang, Nicholas, Ryan etc etc. They are all quite nice. We all paste the "tattoo" on our cheeks. It wrote, I love(but in a heart shaped) Business. Will try to post the photos we took next time! Haha. I love Tp now! Not regretting anymore:) I had another camp on this coming wednesday. Its my course camp. Looking forward! Gotten my time table. For week 1, we have to go for all lectures and communication skills 1 tutorials and skip the other tutorials. Only for week 1. So that means i have got no sch on thursday!! Yay:) School starts at 9am everyday for me, and the latest is 5pm. Which is on Monday. Earliest is 1pm. Hopefully i won't be late for school
Alright, will be meeting my besties for dessert later! Happy happy. Can't wait for Monday! Haha. Bye!
Today @ 2:50 PM
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Okay i'm back from my day 1 orientation!! Man, it was tiring. Tiring tiring tiring.... I woke up at 5.30am and went to meet Coke & Jason Lim. Guess what!!! I met Xinkai in the lift! Damn coincidental, very long never see him alrdy! Hopefully i will bump into him in the lift again tomorrow morning. Another new route to go to school, which is actually much faster! Anyway we were quite early because the buses came early? Haha. Anyway i made new friends and schoolmates.. But some were pretty snobbish. Ah. Thats bad, i'm gonna be in the same class as them for like 1year? Hmm.. I think my course has got about 14classes, and i think the total intake is around 180-300? Not very sure though.. Whats most shocking is that the director told us School Of business had the highest intake of students this yr- 1,700. Which is equivalent to 1 secondary school? Yeah about there. So we learned their cheers and their school song. The school song is pretty cool! Anyway i doubt most of the polys have their own school song, right? Our senior leaders were all very cute! They seem to have much more fun than us, the freshies. Its always like that? They just remind me of the times when i was a leader for orientations and that i had so much fun with my fellow friends. Haha. Mass dance was damn fun!!! But super tiring. But it was really really fun. My mass dance partner seems nice? Tomorrow will be the last day and i will be collecting my timetable and meeting my Care Person which is something like Form Teacher. There will be the dragonboat competition, mass dance and cheering competition tmr too. Dragonboat competition will be @ Bedok Reservoir, Coke's rowing! Hopefully tmr will be better than today. Haha. Gotta go, bye. I'm really tired, bet i'm gonna fall asleep any moment.
Today @ 8:50 PM
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
AHHHHHHHHH TMR'S ORIENTATION!!! I'm excited, nervous and scared. I hope tomorrow will turns out to be fine. Meeting Coke & Jason tmr!! At 6.50am. So i gotta wake up at around 5.30am? Early so i've better get to bed by 11pm tonight. Haha, hope i will get to join their dragonboat competition but if i doesn't, its alright:) Oh yes. I totally have no ideas what am i supposed to wear to school tmr??? They only told me to bring along sports attire. What if i wear the wrong attire thats not suitable for the activity?? Don't fret, i think i'm gonna text Germaine Ong later, hehehe. You know what? I found out something about me today. I realised i like to buy drinks from vending machine. You know the sort of machine when you slot in the coin and then you press on the button underneath the drink you wanna buy and the paper cup will appear and then the water will come out?? Are you getting my drift? Haha. Thats the one, if you do get me. Why do i have this feeling that their drinks are like so delicious?? Is it my problem or is it the fact? I always buy the Hot Milo, never fails to warm me up. Not all machinese has nice teh tarik. I bet Yiqi knows what i'm talking about because in our 2nd workplace, there was this machine!!! ;) Alright its time for me to go offline! Wish me luck for tmr. Byebye!
Ps: I miss all my friends. ALL, especially my close ones(you know who you guys are)
Today @ 8:23 PM
I woke up at 11am today. Slept at 12am yesterday, which is considered early for me? Anyway tomorrow is orientation!! Yay. I think i have to wake up at like what, 5am tmr since i've to report at 830. Please i hope there will not any traffic jams in the morning. Hopefully the orientation won't ends late. I have yet to make my new ezlink card!! Shit, i have better do it soon. Tomorrow is the day i'm gonna meet my new classmates and schoolmates and will be getting my time table. Anyway... i hope we will get to participate in dragonboat tmr even though i think the competition is on friday? Haha. I kind of feel scared and nervous about tmr.
Today @ 11:44 AM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I'm falling sick again.. I woke up this morning with a terrible headache and i'm down with flu. I had my medicine not long ago and took a really quick nap -25minutes. Its either someone passed it to me or because i've been sleeping late at night and waking up in the noon. Gonna sleep early tonight. I think i'm beginning to love Irish music and songs. Maybe i got influenced by my eldest sister? Haha. My close-to-6months holiday is coming to an end this sunday. It might be a good thing. I hope to see my friends sometime this week. I feel that things are going kind of haywired... I just hope i was the one thats thinking way too much, though.
Brian McFadden ft Delta Goodrem - Almost Here
Its the 3rd song on my playlist. Heard that the both of them are engaged and are making plans to get married in late September 2009. Thats nice.
My all-time favourite songDid I hear you right
'cause I thought you said
Let's think it over
You have been my life
And I never planned
Growing old without you
Shadows bleeding through the light
Where the love once shined so bright
Came without a reason
Don't let go on us tonight
Love's not always black and white
Haven't I always loved you?
But when I need you
You're almost here
And I know that's not enough
And when I'm with youI'm close to tears
'cause your only almost here
I would change the world
If I had a chance
Oh won't you let me
Treat me like a child
Throw your arms around me
Oh please protect me
Bruised and battered by your words
Dazed and shattered how it hurts
Haven't I always loved you
But when I need you
You're almost here
And I know that's not enough
And when I'm with you
I'm close to tears
'cause your only almost here
Bruised and battered by your words
Dazed and shattered now it hurts
Haven't I always loved you
But when I need you
You're almost here
Well I never knew how far behind i'd left you
And when I hold you your almost here
Well I'm sorry that I took our love for granted
And now I'm with you I'm close to tears
'cause I know I'm almost here
Only almost here
Today @ 5:19 PM

Its gonna be in the theaters on 16April. I'm gonna catch it! 2.17am, should really go to sleep now.
Sweetest dreams to you
Today @ 2:11 AM
Vintage or Versatile??
I went shopping together with Tinghui yesterday(its tuesday now) I didn't really fancied anything today. But i kind of love the new bag i bought but i'm still thinking on the colour, you see. I've decided to change my location for shopping the next time round. I'm very sure Vivo and City Hall has more stuffs than Town. Or maybe i'm already bored of town. Haha. Anyway we went back to Coast. Tinghui is now officially jobless like me! Sri, Marian and another new part-timer was there. So we talked to Sri and Marian for like 1hour? And we also returned our uniform. Ah some of the stuffs changed. You know, i found out that i still have got the habit of putting in the tags back and say "Hello, welcome" to whoever that steps into the shop! Anyway we're gonna go for dinner with Sri, Marian & Tinghui this friday:) I'm having my orientation on this coming thursday and friday anyway. Speaking of orientations, Tinghui told me that every year they will have this Dragonboat Competition at the Bedok Reservoir during orientations. Its a battle between the schools. And according to her... School of Enginerring wins every year. Probably because most of the guys are in enginerring courses??? Anyway, hopefully School of Business will win this year instead!! There's also alot more sports games and cheers i guess. Why do i have this feeling that it will be quite fun? I miss Shanlin & Jolene & Yiqi. Hope to see them soon. I'm going off now, its getting late. Goodnight!
Today @ 12:54 AM
Monday, April 13, 2009
Short getaway
I'm back!!! From Malaysia. I went there with my family in the afternoon on saturday, fyi! It was great. I had gained at least 4kg! Because i couldn't give those great food a miss. Great food = my grandmother's cooking. Anyway on sunday we ordered food from some restaurant too = Great Food. My relatives came. Haha for your information, i have got relatives from different parts of the world. My little cousins came, they were all so cute? Anyway i became a tutor for around 2 hours. I taught my pri 1 and 4 cousins Math, Eng and the subject i specialised in primary school - Chinese!! Pretty fun and tiring, especially when they don't focus. Anyway i could always go to my aunt's house and teach the kids after school since my school is just a walking distance away. So we celebrated my grandfather's birthday. Nice:) I made a new friend today! Germaine. Samantha's bff. Hehe. Germaine is really nice and sweet and, cute! Whats even better is that we are going to Temasek, and we are in the School of Business! Just that we are both taking different courses. Maybe i will get to be in the same group as her on this coming orientation:) Anyway i think i'm starting to not look forward to school :( Gonna see Coke & Jason this coming thursday. School is starting in a week's time. Oh man.... Gonna make new friends, have a new life etc. Brand new start.
I'm gonna go shopping with Tinghui later in the day! Excited. I miss Sri too.. And you know what, i realised i have yet to return my work uniform! Its been er 2weeks. Well will see about it again. Time check its 2.15am, my bed is beckoning me. Goodnight!
Today @ 1:58 AM
Saturday, April 11, 2009
When pride forever took precedence
fuck everything is in a fucking mess now.
If you call us "family" why do you still vent your anger on us whenever you feels like it. If you call us "family" then where do we really stand in your heart?Ran at the park this morning. Went to the post office to collect my parcel. Bought lunch for my mum and sister. Yesterday i lost my friendship band. It dropped somewhere. At that point of time, i thought this was a bad omen. I thought our friendship gonna end. Silly thinking, i know. So i walked back the same route i had walked and managed to find my friendship band lying on the floor. Of course i was relieved. On my way back home just now, i saw a bunch of young boys playing table tennis and soccer. I saw 4 construction workers sleeping on the floor under the shade. I saw the same female postman. She has been delivering letters around my estate for... lets see, er, maybe since i was a primary 3 kid? Probably 9years already. I saw someone splashing water down from the 2nd storey(???) I thought it was raining man. But i didn't saw people flying kites. Kites just reminds me of the book Shawn Tay has given me, The Kite Runner.
Disappointed sad pride anger. How i wish i could just take back the words i said to you just now
, my sister
Today @ 1:30 PM
Okay i'm back from Natasha's house. Was supposed to be a gathering but not much people turned up, sadly. Anyway, i met up with Jo, Nata & Chap at 12 so we can get the food. Bought really alot of stuffs. Went down to Nata's house and then Chap started playing L4D and lemonade tycoon 2 and then us(me, n and jo) went to start on some serious business in the kitchen. Okay so we started peeling the prawns' shell. Found out that you need some techniques or skills to do it. Soon, most of them came. Chit chatted about life, been awhile since we saw each other! Like, peiyee annie etc. Pretty funny. Then we started singing songs! We started having some karaoke. You get my drift? Nata's house has got microphones and the karaoke cds. So we started choosing songs to sing. And and and, some of the guys sang one of the popular hokkien song!! Yeah. Was pretty fun and funny. Takes lots of courage to sing eh. I sang with Jolene:) I admired Xuanzheng's courage the most! Then more people came... Dinner was interesting. There were curry chicken, bee hoon, cereal prawns(fave), fried chicken wings, brocolli carrots mushrooms, spicy yong tau food and Chap's scrambled eggs! Chap cooked the scrambled eggs and there were alot of cheese inside!! Nevertheless, i think its not bad. (Eh chap i'm praising you) Everything was homecooked. Mr Lee came at around 7pm but Ms Pang didn't came. Unable to reach her on her mobile. And then Mr Lee started talking about stories & his life as we sat around the dinning table. Hilarious. We kinda celebrated Jy's birthday. Shawn Pang baked him a 4-layer chocolate cake with 'Happy birthday, JY' on it. It was verrrrry nice, just that not too smooth. However, it is still nice. Haha. Shawn Pang is the first & most probably the last guy i ever knew who bakes that well. He will be a great baker in future. Yeah.
Yiqi, i wonder how many angels had died already.
It was only today then i realised i'm someone who doesn't like to talk much, or rather be like my old self when i'm with people i'm not close with. This is strange but i'm like that. I thought i could spend some alone time with you but i guess not... I don't like it when there's the 3 of us, i just wanna spend some time with you only. Just you only. That is when i'll be like myself. Sigh. I thought you will be the one to be concerned but it wasn't you, it was someone else. Or maybe you don't care anymore. Because i'm not special enough to you? I miss the good old times we had together. Times when you will be there to listen to me when i need to talk to someone, times when we will hang out and crap about all the nonsense stuffs you can ever think of in the world. I miss you my friend, i miss you badly... I really do. Do you still love me as a best friend??? Do you still care??? 5years of friendship, i don't want to give up on it. I know you love your bf very much, and as a friend of yours, i'm happy to see your smiling face whenever you are with him. I feel that i'm a coward for not telling you how i feel about all these. I'm not angry at you or your bf, i'm just sad. Sigh. Whatever is it, you will still be someone dear to me. You will still be my best friend...I'm listening to The Veronicas, "Untouched" Very addictive. Going for a run later in the morning. Run and sweat out all those unpleasant stuffs. Stuffs that are exploding my mind sooner or later. Sigh. Nights.
Today @ 1:31 AM
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I've been thinking. I've been wondering. I've been trying to get the answer.
This feeling sucks. Your good friend falls into the same trap over and over again.... and you realised you can do nothing about it but w-a-t-c-h.
Maybe as a friend i have not done enough.
Today @ 7:39 PM
Great.. I just found out that i'm unable to collect my parcel from the post office tomorrow because its closed as its a public holiday(good friday) tomorrow!! So i have to wait till Saturday and be there by 1pm. Sigh, my bad.. I should had woke up earlier today
Today @ 2:14 PM
Quando Quando
The postman came in the early morning and my sister & i were still sleeping like logs(??) so we didn't heard the knock on the door. Now i have to go down to the post office which closes at 5pm, i wonder if i'm able to make it. Thats the thing. And i don't even know whether the parcel is the one i've been waiting for. Or maybe i should collect it, tomorrow? Well we'll see how it goes then. School's starting in... 11days. I've better try to sleep early so i won't be late for school because attendance counts. Gotta go, goodbye!
Today @ 2:10 PM
I'm supposed to er... sleep already??
Time check its 1.48am now!! Should be already on my bed and sleeping but here i am, still busy chatting with my friends on Msn, logging in facebook and checking up some stuffs on the internet. Anyway i told Samantha something on msn. Something that is VERY SHOCKING. Hahahah the both of us had the same reaction when i first knew of it. Seriously that (you fill in the blanks) is damn power. She's really extreme till the extent that she can't be extreme anymore!! Alright i don't know what am i talking now but i'm sure Samantha does hahahah ;) I'm still thinking if i should get the DKNY Red Delicious fragrance! Anyway hope that today will be a better day than yesterday's! Got to go, Bye! Good-goody-nights to you, who are still reading my blog!
Today @ 1:47 AM
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
3 6 9 12 15 18 21
Done with Neil Gaiman's "Good Omens" Its really terrific. The Sandman: Book of Dreams seems nice. He's a great author, or rather one of my favourite authors. Holidays are so boring.. Hope i'll make a trip down to the library or the bookstore tomorrow. And that is, if i'm not lazy. Bye!
Today @ 10:47 PM
I headed down to Natasha's house this early afternoon to discuss about friday. We watched 'Red Ridding Hood' on HBO. It was really a great movie! Fyi, the teachers will be coming. Hopefully everything will goes well, right Nata? Haha. 2 more weeks to the end of holidays, i suppose? Can't wait for school to start.. Heard that my school's library is 10storeys high, which makes me pretty much.. excited about it? I know i will be at the library whenever i have free time. I will be out of Singapore this coming weekend and i seriously pray/hope/wish that Mr Postman will come knocking on my door this friday and hand me my parcel! Been waiting for it. Oh i just remember i must switch on the telly at 730 later. I'm gonna look out for no.19 ;) I'm going off for my dinner now:)
Once burned, twice shy... the old saying goesThere's a lot of truth in that
Today @ 6:11 PM
Monday, April 6, 2009
BCBGMAXAZRIA(inside joke)
Ireland ireland ireland.. Sing old irish songsOkay so i was wrong. There wasn't any heavy downpour, it only drizzled. Nothing more, nothing less than that. Bet its gonna be a nice weather to sleep tonight. Sometimes i feel that i'm a lucky girl. Anyway, i want to tour around Europe. It will be nice if that happens huh. I want to go to Ireland badly...
Well you couldn't be that man I adored
Today @ 7:34 PM
Monday. People call it Monday Blues. I'm stuck at home, again... I have got so much things to buy but it seems like nobody is free. Funny huh. When i'm busy with work, all of them are free, now that i'm not, none of them are. Well... Will be going to Natasha's house on this coming friday:) Hope it will be fun! Date Check: 06 April 09. There's around 14 more days to the start of school! 2weeks... And there's only 10days to my orientation as well. Kind of looking forward to it? I'm gonna do my planner again later. Life is so boring. I want to play badminton with jeremy they all again. There's gonna be a heavy downpour soon, i guess?

My favourite Creme Brulee!!!!!!!

The bestest friends and buddies. Am i right? ;)
Thanks for the night!
Today @ 3:20 PM
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Something fishy
I went to meet Zak & Edwayne for dinner today:) We dined at fish&co!(Fish & co reminds me of venice and jo) i had this baked ginza salmon. DAMNNNN NICE. Salmon and dory fish are my favourites, for your info! And then, Ed and i were supposed to have this dessert called creme brulee(i think thats how you spell it?) but left 1 only. Anyway it was really nice!! Seriously, i love that dessert. I'm gonna have that whenever i see places selling it. I'm gonna search for their recipe later though! They told me its quite fattening, but who cares! Creme brulee
is way too delicious to give it a miss. So we joked about lots of stuffs. Old times, huh. After that, Ed went to Zak's house and i went to meet besties at Thomson plaza for dessert. I was too full to order anything so we just sat there and had our weekly catching up! They walked me back home, thank you so much! Hehe. And wenlynn got both of us something to hang on our keys!! Gonna try my best to take good care of it but no promises. I'm going to facebook now and play some game Danial just introduced me hahaha. Bye!
I think i'm falling... falling for you
Today @ 11:58 PM
But when I'm with youI'm close to tears'Cause you're only almost hereToday's Saturday! Not gonna go shopping today or whatsoever.. Maybe some other time? Have plans on wednesday though! Most probably meeting my best friends later for dinner & dessert:) Holidays for me are ending soon. I've better get everything i wanted before school starts. I don't know what to say already so i guess i'm gonna end here.
Today @ 12:45 PM
Friends. Close, good, best, old, new

Yesterday was Peirce Secondary 15th Annual Speech Day. Collected my olevels' certificate & testimonial! The testimonial was in this really nice file given by the MOE. Had lunch with Peiqin, Adrian, Dominic first before heading back to school! Was early so chit chatted with my old friends and teachers in the canteen. It was a extremely warm weather today! Anyway it was really nice to see my friends taking awards for Olevels:) Like, Yiqi!! I'm so happy that so many of my friends turned up! And, i gave hugs to my clique and Laura Wong because i have not seen them for very long already! Anyway.... it was pretty boring. Only the presentation of awards and the speech made by valedictorian(Gabriel wee) was interesting?? After that, the whole bunch of us went to Thomson Plaza for dinner, then headed down to Ice3. Had ice cream. Rocky road is verrry nice:) Talked about alot of jokes and random stuffs. We even had this what.. 'drinking water' competition which Tenghow, Kahming & Shawn Yap participated in. Walked back home together with Kahming and here i am, on the computer. And all the best to Khai & Zak for their remaining matches:) Ps: Zak, i'm sure everything will turns out to be okay!
Today @ 1:50 AM
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Have you ever been in a situation... when the one you have been treating as a best friend doesn't treats you as one? Or, to put it simply, you are just a friend to her. Nothing more than that. Even though she told you in words that you are one of her best friend, but her actions say otherwise...
Sometimes when one of your best friend started hanging out with a guy, they spend lesser time with you. I don't blame you, in fact i understand. Because i used to be like that too. Still, it sucks. When was the last time we really talked with each other about lives, about random and crazy stuffs? When was the last time we met up and spend time together??? When you have a boyfriend, what about your best friend.....
Sigh. Or maybe i'm not special enough to you to make you care, to make you notice that its been awhile since we last talked to each other. Maybe, i'm the one who's thinking too much. However, it still makes me sad..
Today @ 4:12 PM
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
When its time for me to leave, i will
Had soup spoon for lunch today. Boston Clam Chowder is verrrrrry delicious. So this is it. Last day of work @ Coast. After 2 months plus of working. Anyway.. i enjoyed my last day of work today:) Everything i did today was my last time doing it. Last time serving customers, last time picking up phone calls, last time working with Sri, Tinghui, Supriya. Was sad to leave all of them. They bought gifts for me. I also gave them the gift i had hand made and bought for them. Went shopping with Tinghui since she ended at 8plus and then we waited for Sri to finish her work at 945. Wanted to go Swensens cause its 24hours, but it turned out that they are closing at 1030 only for today:( So we walked to the The Coffee Connoisseur(tcc) because it is 24HOURS. Love the banana split the most! Home and now i'm talking to Tinghui on msn.
Even though it was sad that everything has ended here, but i've really learnt alot from them.. I found out that there are still nice people in this world. I'm still gonna drop by every now and them:) This is definitely a journey i'll never ever forget.
Today @ 12:55 AM