Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Headed to Tampiness 1 to walk with Wanting, and we crapped alot. As usual hahahaha. I gotta remember to 1) do INT HT online tutorial 1 and 2 (2) POM print electure notes!
(3) Finish up my f&b fund tutorial homework - menu of european cuisine. Gotta start imagining so i can come up with unusual and creative names for the dishes. Fd fund quiz on thursday - meat, cooking methods and preservation, game meats. I better remember to study for it as well. Sigh, how many more weeks to the next term break? 8 weeks 8 weeks, just gotta survive these 8 weeks. Well, school at 9am tmrw! Lets hope i will have a blasting week
Today @ 6:22 PM
Monday, June 29, 2009
Look at the time now, finally done with int ht report. Powerpoint slides just need some touch up. Group Mates, lets wish for the best now! I WANNA THANK KHAI for giving me so many constructive comments and staying up till now :) (even though he's watching prison break). Cool shit, he's at Season 4 eposide 5 now! I think the telly's showing Season 4 eposide 8? He's catching up pretty soon huh hahaha. And this goes out to Jingxiang too. THANK YOU SO MUCH. For being the only group member left to fight this battle together with me in the wee hours of the night. Whats left are just some touch up which we can accomplish tomorrow yeah? WE CAN DO THIS. Okay gotta wake up at 8.30am. I'm so drained and tired. Nights everyone
Today @ 4:15 AM
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Headache's beeing bothering since Friday. Its driving me insane. I've got no school tmr due to AYG till 3pm when i will have my rht lecture. Sigh, no holidays
Today @ 6:56 PM
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Michael's legs hahahha, i like his new rocker hairstyle that looks great on him!

No bus, no cars, no people(except 12 of us). But there were Streetlights! Hahaha super funny.

My favourites :)

After 11years, its still back to us(including Weijang who didn't turn up)

Lovely three hahahaha, sihui and wanting, my 2 good friends!
Webcam craze before APEL 1 started!


Hi hi hi hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nutty Sihui ;)

Shades of grey!!!!!!!!!!! Wanting, Aizsa & Irah!

Wanting wanted to take this photo as a memory we sat at the front row for Research for Hospitality & Tourism lecture on monday because we don't get to sit first rows for any lecture usually. The funniest part was... we actually asked Mr Lam(our lecturer) to take this for us!! Hahaha
HI!!!!! Finally this hectic week is over. Hahaha. Just gotta redo my fb fund game meat tutorial homework cause the menu wasn't that well-done, int ht report + powerpoint slides final lap tomorrow! Guys(my group members) pleasezzzx lets complete it tmr. I got back my mid semester tests paper scripts! Omg can you believe it, i was like half a mark away from A for Macro Econs. I got 79.5/100. Damn depressing can, seriously. I just needed half a mark, sigh. Maybe i didn't work hard enough. It ruined my friday morning, sigh. RHT was not bad, i got an A grade. Whats left is just POM and online quiz, which will only be released next week. Okay, so today after school(friday), headed to the school's library for int ht group discussion. We booked a project room at 2pm all the way till 6pm heheh. Ryan has a habit of eating polar chicken puff from sch's cheers at least once a week?!! Anyway Jx, Ryan and Christopher went to my blog intentionally and started reading out my blog entries. Haha, ok it was very funny but very awkward i swear!!! Somemore today during m econs tutorial, the tutor was checking each group news articles and me, jane and several few were doing online shopping on the lappies hahah.
I left them early and made my way to Amk to meet my dearest best friend:) Apologies to Zak & Edwayne i can't meet you guys today, another time maybe? Creme brule k! Met up with Jolene and then we went to The Soup Restaurant to eat! Haha we ordered 3 dishes 1 soup, including the favourite claypot tofu we had the other time with Shan:) Simply talked about everything and i told her all the secrets she has been missing out these past few months! Headed to this dessert shop at amk hub for dessert. We had beancurd egg white, mango & strawberry ice? Something like that eh. Beancurd egg white tastes a bit like creme brule! Hahah. Had a great laugh reminiscing about those good old times in peirce -sec3 and sec4. Jolene, glad that we are able to meet up today:)
Tuesday, 23/06/09
Met up with the usuals and my besties for dinner at chomp chomp! Hahah, i was late cause i had to rush from school. There were approximately 12 of us:) So basically, we had hokkien mee, sambal stingray(hot favourite!!), clams, carrot cake, sambal kangkong,super bigsized sugarcane etcccccc. After that, we went over to Wenlynn's house. Haha. And as usual... they started laying out tables and mahjong tiles, plus poker cards! Then the games stopped and we went up for our "heart-to-heart" talk session ;) The most hilarious part was the part when Weikian & Jianyu read out the subtitles as Michael on the telly to "mute" sound because it sounded damn strange and funny. Started some photo taking craze at the bus stop. 12 of us. Can you imagine it. Home with Weijian (childhood enemy hahahaha), thank you so much:)
Thursday, 26/06/09
Stayed back after school for macro econs discussion. Luckily, my articles i had found were relevant! I need to improve on other components of macro econs to substitute the marks i had lost for the recent mid-semester test..
I'm not having lectures on pom and int ht tutorial next week due to AYG!!!! Hahah yay!! AYG Korea vs China soccer will be held at Tp's field this coming sunday. Cool! Haha. Mr Pras said we MIGHT have holidays for next week only due to H1N1. Might... Hopefully we will have one seriously, i need another break! Anyway have been seeing Germaine Ong these past few days in school haha! First is Comp lab, second is Business Park! No need to hope to bump into each other already ;) Kay lah i have to go sleep. I have calculated i only slept for 5hours on an average this week monday to friday. Will be out to Ryan's house tmr for int ht grp project. BYE!
Today @ 2:05 AM
Thursday, June 25, 2009
i am damn stress now :'(
Today @ 10:27 PM
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I need a break from all my projects and assignments so i'm here to blog. School has resumed this week and many things had happened. Yesterday was fun, talk about it another day. I'm done with my food and beverges fundamentals 10 european venison dishes. Whats left are my Introduction to H&T report + powerpoint slides. My group hasn't complete it. Sigh, lets hope we will finish the 15pages of report and about 20powerpoint slides?(is it 20 or not?) By Monday 5pm. Macro economics group project. Analysis on China plus explanations draft, lets accomplish it by tmrw since we are staying back after tutorial for discussion. Macro economics individual draft. I can't find articles on Circular flow of income and Business cycle.
Well, i don't know. I feel stressed now. So afraid i can't finish up everything. Fast paced, busy, crazy and hectic school life is back.
Today @ 9:46 PM
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I shouldn't had looked at the photo we took last year, the one both of us were smiling so happily. It made me cry. I couldn't help it. Why have things come to this state again, like a cycle that refuses to stop, refuses to come to an end. A cycle that makes you, me and others so upset like now. I'm at a loss. Yet again. Again and again and again and all over again. I'm fucking angry and upset with myself. I did not thought of you this way, i told myself it were all just coincidences. I understood, adapted to changes, but maybe it just wasn't enough. I can't bear to let go of us, no matter how sad angry jealous evious frustrated i get from all these. We have come a long way. Amazing how things can change drastically in a few minutes. I will be waiting for the day where things will go back to like before.
Why does my life seem to be like the game of tower blocks you can commonly find in mobile phones? Rules of the game: I gotta balance everything. 3 chances is all i have to keep things going. Once 3 chances are being used up, i'll be gone. Everything will be back to square one.
I'm sure you will be in good hands. He will take good care of you.
You will always be my best friend.
Today @ 9:35 PM
LOOK AT THE TIME NOW. I'm rushing out my INT HT report. Services quality perception RATER. Sigh. I'm hungry now but i do not want to go and find food. Anyway there's a super duper huge moth or butterfly(i can never distinguish them) flying around and around in my room just now! My sisters and I were trying to chase it out of my window. Hilarious much........... Ok, gotta run! Bye!
Strangely enough, i'm not feeling happy. When i know i should be. Tell me, why am i feeling this way?
Today @ 4:50 AM
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Today is Saturday which means tmr is sunday which means my last day of holidays! Shit. Can we extend the holidays please? Sigh, after this holiday i will have to wait for 2months ++ (in between there's exams and projects deadlines) for the next holiday. Laura is nice enough to accompany me to Singapore Arts Museum, love you lah:) Jolene wasn't able to meet us today though :( The art pieces and photography shots are really beautiful. I saw the "Fabulous Flights of Time Machine" in one of the galleries. Very cool. I like the phrase, "One Meeting One Time." The service by the staff wasn't up to my expectations seriously. After the museum visiting, Laura and I headed to The Cathay, had dinner at Billy Bombers. She said i could eat alot, she eat damn little seriously. No ideas why she can play vigorous sports like Netball hahaha. (She's gonna scream at me if she see this) Thanks for today Laura, appreciated you taking time out to accompany me:)
Saturday today, Friday was yesterday. I remembered how me, Shan and the rest used to head down to Ice Kimo most of the time on fridays and saturdays. And play some board games and talk nonsense. Those were the memorable days. Alright, fb fund, int ht report, macro econs here i come! I want to complete at least Fb Fund tutorial homework or my Int Ht report by tonight. That is... if i don't procrastinate. Bye everyone
Pasajero, a Spanish word for passengers. It can also be referred to as fleeting, ephemeral.
Today @ 10:05 PM
Friday, June 19, 2009
SA orientation today was pretty alright but i have yet to remember my team mates' names! Introduction, ice breakers, speeches, games and more. Stuffs you see in an orientation. Lasted for 3 hours only though. My team went from 1 point to 34 points, which is the winner. Kind of funny lah. Anyway, looking forward to the job opportunities, wine tasting, beer brewery visits and so on. And of course not forgetting, having fun. So after orientation, Me + Wanting + Sihui + Jane headed to have lunch together, then went off for F1 Night Race ' 09 interview. Wowwwww there are like 200 applicants, including the year 2s. We were given a number tag each and they will call us in an random order. Super frustrating when they call the number that was so close to yours. Waited and waited from 2pm to 5pm, can you imagine it!! I hope i will get into the job that is responsible for taking care of the racers' meals!! Cool eh. But anyway the interview was easy, easy to the extent i doubt i will be shortlisted. But its alright if i don't get in too! CDS selection was made today through school's student portal. I selected French, Japanese, Introduction to Psychology, World Issues and Understanding Theatre. I hope to get French.
Oh well, meeting my dearest girls tmrw. Hope everything will go as planned? Homework homework, sunday i have to rush already.
Anyway, i'm starting to get tired of this routine, this cycle. Its always me, i don't know whats up with me. Life is short, we shouldn't do anything that will made us regret right?
Today @ 9:26 PM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
OMG DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I have to wake up at 630am cause i gotta reach school by 9am but i just ate supper, and apparrently it takes 2hours for the food to digest. Hahaha. Nevermind my friends will keep me accompany:) Anyway... I was stating that Weijang was treating us as opportunity cost on my MSN's personal message and then Venice was asking me why is his name on my personal message cause his chinese name is Weijiang(there's an "I") hahahaha. Then Alfred replied to my personal message stating that he's not the opportunity cost. Super hilarious lahhhhhhhh. And just now Weijian was waving at me from his window(he lives in the opposite block as me) and i waved back hahaha. I found out that me & Weijian got sweaty palms and feets omg!!!! I thought i'm the only odd one in the world who has sweaty palms + sweaty feets.
Anyway...... I heart everyone(including Venice Laura & Yiqi) :)
I love all my friends(that i'm close with) Even though many things changed in between, drifted apart, lesser meet ups, but each and single of you still holds a special place in my heart. Friends & family are the best part of my life. (OMG SO CHEESY) I love you guys.
Today @ 11:59 PM
Econs is driving me nutssssssssss. I typed in circular flow of income/business cycle and they give me all sorts of nonsense. I cannot find any news articles about business cycle on World Bank, IMF, UN websites and thus i can't do my analysis. I have not been to my int ht destination so i can't do my report. I have not been to the library so i can't do my fb fund? Omg i'm damn pissed. There's alot of swearing words running in my head now. Maybe i should go to the library tomorrow after my f1 interview, sigh. 3 more days to the end of my holidays. Then the super busy fast pace no discipline school life will be back. Argh. Sunday i have better stay at home and finish up fb fund and int ht. Yesterday i was looking through my old stuffs i had stored in a box. Many many many precious stuffs of mine. Some old photos, neoprints(rem how crazy we used to be about that?!!!) gifts from friends etc. Whatever thats precious it will be in that box. I found some letters Jolene, Marilyn, Rachel & Charmaine used to write to me. Reading through those letters just make me wanna laugh and smile. But i guess some things will never be the same anymore. So anyway, i need help in econs. And i need help to get out of this vicious cycle i've been trapped in. Sigh, wish me luck. Maybe i should go for a run later.
Some things i will never say, and admit.
Today @ 5:38 PM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Back from Sihui's house! Omg guess what we did... we watch Detroit Metal City online, while the rest play games. Turns out that i didn't bought the RHT paper sorry:( Sigh. Macro econs have to do by ourselves... Comm skills done. Fb fund i'm not done. I'm gonna reserve my sunday for homeworks. I'm tired exhausted lethargic. Mentally & Physically. I'm very very very tired of all these already. I've been trapped in this cycle far too long. I need help to get through this.
I'm sorry for all that i have done that had made you sad, made you angry, made you disappointed, made you cry. It just doesn't work that way.
Today @ 5:50 PM
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
EUROPE(photos credits: flicker.com/google/yahoo)

France, a castle near Loire Valley


Sweden, Fårö Island

Pinocchio, made by the well-know artist Jim Dine, USA. Currently situated in Sweden. Pinocchio is 9 meter high and have 6 meter between his feets. Pinocchio has gone by boat from USA to Sweden.
Venice. Gondola in Canal Grande

The Netherlands, Sunrise at Arkemheen

The Netherlands, Keukenhof

First evening, just one hour after the ferry arrived.

Norway. Cool waters.
If i'm super duper ultra rich, i will tour the whole of Europe(Ireland, Italy, France, Norway, The Netherlands first hahaha)
Today @ 11:52 PM
Today is my lucky day.
Thank you for making my day, Jolene Howe & Laura Wong!
Today @ 10:45 PM

HELLO. Out with the girls today! Wanting Sihui & Layting. Hahah, anyway we headed to Far East Plaza first to have their favourite Pontian wanton mee! I still prefer the original one at Malaysia though, even Sihui agrees. Shopped around far east, there wasn't much people:) I hate crowded places! We went to do manicure!! Haha, had a tough time deciding the colour i want for my nails. The place was pretty cool and the staff are friendly too:) After that, Layting left to meet her boyfriend while Sihui, Wanting & I(the threesome!) walked over to Wisma Atria then Taka. Hahah had a nice time talking to the both of them. I only bought my contact lens solution and a pair of shoes today. I got a pair of vans shoes(not the one everyone is wearing of cuz) and you know what! They only bring in one pair of size 5(my size) and i'm so lucky to have that. But why they only bring in one pair of the smallest size! Just like size 6 dresses in coast. So anyway, i'm happy now:) Sihui got another similar pair of vans shoes too:) Haha, gotta control my spending eh. BUT I HAVEN'T BUY MY FORMAL CLOTHES?!!
Alright, i think i'm going to spore flyer this coming thursday with laura, to do my int ht report!!! Finally. And i'm gonna see her! By the way, due to overwhelming complaints.... the SA people allow us to bring our laptops to the orientation and log in at 10am to choose our CDS. Haha!!!! So much for worrying about it these past few days! Will be going out to Sihui's house tmrw to do rht and macro econs project. Bye everyone!
People say "Change is Constant", but why does some things still remain the same? Why are you still like before?
Today @ 8:54 PM
Monday, June 15, 2009
Hey there. Today was awesome. Met up with Tinghui at town and we went shopping together. Quite a disappointing trip as i didn't got anything. I love her fcuk denim!!!!!! Anyway, we bought Sri's favourite red bean puff and we got Marian donuts :) Heheh, thank goodness that 2 of them are not working today. So anyway, me & Tinghui headed back to Coast London at Paragon!!! Its been so long since i stepped into the boutique! I've worked there for 2months 1week only though. Everything seems familar in an odd way. The dresses had changed, verrrrrry colourful(i wonder who will buy:P) but the gowns are still beautiful. So anyway, Marian actually said she missed me(according to sri). I feel touched, kind of unexpected cause we wasn't like super close that time. So well... Sri ended early so me, Tinghui and her went down to Bakerzin for dinner. We had Seafood pasta, creamy mushroom pasta(seriously its damn creamy.. but nice), something(i forgot the name), Cheesecake! And cafe latte plus Warm chocolate cake. Love eating the clams with tobasco. The warm chocolate cake is super delicious. The ice cream is topped on top of the warm chocolate cake, and inside the chocolate cake there is chocolate syrup. You gotta try it. Whoa shit i feel like having creme bulee now. So anyway Sri told us about stuffs that happened after we left Coast. Super hilarious lah hahahah. Marian came down to join us after doing closing for awhile. We took photos but its in Sri's camera now. I love bakerzin macorons(is it spelt this way?)
Anyway, hope to see Sri soon, and i will see Tinghui in school.
I can't show you the photos i taken in bakerzin because my lappy's bluetooth is having some problems which i have no ideas how to solve???? Sigh. Its annoying me. And then SA & CDS SELECTION is pissing me off:( Sigh, i feel damn sad lah. I hope they will offer french for cds this semester. Italian will do too. Or at most, i will take Japanese or Introduction to Psychology/Sociology! But the thing is, will i be able to make it on time when Sa orientation is at 9am to 12pm and Cds selection starts at 10am and i have the F1 interview from 2 to 5pm? I'm very annoyed nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Sigh. I HAVE NOT GO TO SPORE FLYER AND DO MY INT HT REPORT, DIEEEEEE. I have not start on Fb fund game meat tutorial homework, dieeeee. I have not start searching for news articles and write an analysis on circular flow of income + business cycle for Macro Econs, dieeeee. I have not started on any project or homework. Sigh. I'm very frustrated now. Meeting Wanting & gang tmrw. K byeeeeee.
Today @ 11:56 PM
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Self timer is a great invention!!! Most of the photos are taken by self-timer. Especially the jumping shots, no kidding ;) The perfect jump shots are taken by the super nice lady though!:) THE REST WILL BE UPLOADED ON FACEBOOK!
I love you girls
Today @ 1:57 PM