Tuesday, July 28, 2009
What i am to you is not what you are to me
Life has been busy for me, for all of us. Test assignments projects, endless. Been trying my best to keep up with the fast pace. Moving on, that happened a long time ago. Moved on. What i did was unforgivable, at least thats what i feel. I tried to forgive but its not enough to make it all okay. Since rules are meant to be broken, i assume promises work the same way too. Who said it was easy being your real self? From today onwards, things will start to change. From friendships to family to love to strangers. Never believe anybody's words, never trust anybody anymore, and most importantly, never ever let your real feelings show. Gotta stay stronger. Gotta stay focused. Gotta remember your ultimate aim.
Today @ 2:46 PM
Friday, July 24, 2009
Principles of Management presentation
This whole week had been so packed and busy, making me insane and exhausted. However, i still survived it in the end! We had Principles of Management presentation on thursday. My group were the first team and we did role-play as well. Super funny, our role play hahaha. Didn't memorized my script because there wasn't much time! So whatever i said during the role-play was kind of impromptu. Hilarious role-play... $10k Lomo Camera hahaha. But overall, i guess it was fine? Good job to my group! Finally one more project down. Whats left are Macro economics and food&beverages fundamentals report, and 1 communication skills presentation. I think our class is awesome! Anyway i got to buy a ladies' suit for next year as all htm students are required to wear that. Had lunch together after presentation, all the teasing and laughter reminded me of my recess in secondary school but of course, things won't the same.
Research for H&T & Introduction to H&T tests next week! Shit man, this weekend is gonna be another pretty busy one for me because i have to rush my macro economics portfolio as well. Just gotta get used to it i guess! Peirce family day, scheduled to be on 8th Aug. Eve of national day???? And i have got a summative test on comm skills that day! Yes you're right... Test on a saturday. Maybe i will rush there after the test with my other friends who are heading back! Yay i will get to see my friends!:) My estate is having the annual night market (pasar malam!) again. shan & gang, and yanseng & xinkai
I shall upload photos of my presentation. Sorry for my heavy eye bags and tired eyes!!!! I slept at 330am the previous night studying for my fb fund test which apparrently, i think i failed. 3hours of sleep is not enough i swear. Alright!
Today @ 6:26 PM
Sunday, July 19, 2009
old friends

On a random note, i'm meeting peiqin later for some ice cream/dessert. Been such a long time. Its funny how she belongs to 3 categories of mine; secondary school friends, clique, and 7 years of friends. BYE:)
Today @ 6:30 PM
Yesterday Sihui and I slept at 5.30am just to finish up our part for RHT. Been sleeping late because of projects these past few days. Very draining indeed. We needed help halfway through but everyone was offline. Thank goodness Zhengyi our senior signed in! So we seek help from him. Thanks alot!:) Still quite alot more to complete hmmmmm. Zhengyi told us one of our f&b lecturer was the first one to bring in barcadi breezer to s'pore? Cool man. Okay. Peirce family day is not gonna be on this coming saturday already!!! Its gonna be postponed till further notice. Sigh, thats sad. All of us were looking forward to this. Maybe the next time we are gonna meet will be the day we head back for teachers' day celebration? That sucks. Alright got to go and download lecture notes for f&b fund. We will be learning how to choose wine next week. Bye!
Today @ 3:14 PM
Saturday, July 18, 2009
T to the G to the I to the F
Now i truly fully understand the meaning and TGIF! Heheh. Yesterday school ended early so we had an early lunch, followed by going into the school's library to chiong Comm skills and Principles of Mangement projects which are due by 5pm yesterday. Free access lab was extremely crowded too as i suppose everyone's projects are due by 5pm. Waited for Huixuan so we could head down to Woodlands together! But something cropped up for her. Anyway Huixuan don't so sad about it already kay! Just gotta work hard for the remaining projects.
We were late for the 6.10pm movie so huixuan and I took a cab down to Woodlands. Cab fare? 25SGD hahaha omg so expensive. Xueqin was nice enough to wait for us outside the movie theatre! Sorry we were so late! Nevertheless, thank you so much:) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, i rate it 2.5/5 It was pretty sad and i didn't think there were much of a climax? Kind of looking forward to the last Harry Potter movie, which is gonna be split into 2 parts instead. The rest of the guys came to find us after the movie ended. Its been awhile seriously. Haven't been seeing them for so long. Jolene came!!! AHHHH SO HAPPY:) Didn't joined them for dinner because me, xq, hx, zm and pamela were going to a playground and talk and have dinner together:) Miss them all so much. It was a pity Peiqin and Siyun didn't came though. Crapped, laughed, catch up etc and i reached home at 12.15pm. Was dead beat by then. Msn with Samantha when i got home:) Miss her. Its been awhile since we share our thoughts and talk about stuffs! Hope to see you, aug i hope?
Today i headed out for dinner with my dad and eldest sister. Nice. My sister treated me ice cream, thanks a million! After that, we went to visit my grandfather(dad's side) who is currently at a nursing home. Sigh, its kind of depressing to see him in such state. My dad said that its "Old people sickness" (if you translate it to chinese you will get me) He's really old already. He's 93 years old now, survived World War 1 and 2. He still remembered all of us, amazingly he didn't forget his family-7sons 3 daughters 15 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Sigh... i think it will be good that we will visit him whenever we can. My dad also told me my grandmother died on the same day she was born. I never get to see her before, images i have of her were just photos displayed at my grandfather/uncle house whenever we head there for dinner. I think we will visit my grandfather(mum's side) soon because he had a relapse few weeks ago....
Alright, have to chiong for RHT project with my groupmates. Its due on monday 9am!
Today @ 7:23 PM
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Never ending cycle
I know i said i won't be back here soon but its been only a day and i'm back here again. Contradicting much. Anyway this post will be for my group mates, Ryan Christopher Jingxiang Irah Sihui Wanting Weijie. I know i am kind of cranky these past few days, maybe i was too anxious, maybe i was trying to help(but obviously in a wrong way), maybe i was paranoid. I don't know. But i know what i should do now. Well, here i am, offering my deepest apologies. I'm sorry guys. Not gonna give up not gonna throw in the towel. Lets make the best out of it:) It is true that today is better than yesterday, but i can't say for sure whether tomorrow will be better than today. I wouldn't say how i exactly feel. I'm definitely someone who doesn't open my heart, my feelings, my thoughts to people i barely knew. Definitely dislike people who assume that they know me well. Still remember the Placebo Effect story i once told you guys? In life, you can forgive and forget, but no matter what, the damage is done. Sigh.... Convince me that everything will be what it used to be. Haha, don't get me wrong, i'm not angry sad or whatever okay.
Today @ 11:34 PM
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Wouldn't be blogging that often anymore(who reads it anyway?), have to finish up my projects. 5 projects to go, excluding individual assignments, can you imagine that. Sigh, not pinpointing this issue at anyone but i thought we could do this. Maybe i was wrong.
Projects suck ttm. Haha, GG. We only left this amount of time but there's really tons of work that needs to be submitted soon. Its a race against time. I'm feeling quite disappointed though i think we are still able to change the outcome? Whatever is it, i hope we can make the best out of it.
Have to go, will be back in few days' time. BYE!
Today @ 6:44 PM
Monday, July 13, 2009
Int HT
Today's presentation went smoothly even though i think our powerpoint slides were abit brief. Lets hope for the best, lets hope for an A? If not, a high B please? Everyone looks so smart today wearing the formal wear. Thank god my high heels were very comfortable and did not gave my trouble. Haha. Finally one project down- introduction to hospitality&tourism. Few more to go. I think maybe i will look forward to POM and Comm Skills presentation! Okay maybe not, actually.. On my bus journey home today, there's this cool bus driver. I think he couldn't stand the bunch of secondary 2/3 students who wearing school uniform being so noisy and at the same time swearing. He went up to tell them to lower their volume and that they should not embarrass themselves and blah blah blah... And of course, the students were unhappy so i guess they scolded the bus driver after he went to drive his bus? Tsk tsk. I wasn't like that when i was in secondary school! Haha. Having sat for 3hours on the bus on mondays to fridays, i have seen quite a number of annoying sights and situations. I can't stand people not giving up their seats, talking loudly(disrupting the quietness of the bus), blasting their music away, swearing like nobody's business and so on and so forth. Very annoying eh.
Alright. Will upload photos next time. I'm so freaking tired. So drained. Gotta go to finish up my POM project, bye!
Today @ 6:49 PM
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Cause you and i both know its not gonna happen
Just hung up the call with Yiqi:) Stay-home-saturday was sucky. Anyway i'm gonna get my formal wear tmr with my bestfriend. Monday i'm having int ht presentation, my first formal presentation in poly. Lets hope my groupmates and i will make the presentation a good one. Kind of nervous actually! We're gonna get ourselves ready for the upcoming projects. How many more to go? Fb fund, rht, comm skills, pom and macro econs. Okay, we're gonna chiong already seriously.
Went down to pass Venice some small change since he was playing street soccer with Khai & the rest of his friends. Whoa, so long never see him already. I think there's like 4months? So long.. Anyway nice to see you Weijiang:) (I know he will read this) Head out with my mum after that. I made a pair of spectacles so i won't wear my lenses all the time, haha! So treated my mum dinner and went back home.
I switched on my laptop with the intention to complete my projects but here i am blogging. Ha. Procrastination. Seriously, sometimes i hope my parents will be stricter with me and lock my laptop up so i won't use it! But ah.. that will never ever happen. And i get distracted easily. This.is.frustrating.me!! Sometimes i find myself wasting alot of time. Maybe at least 3hours of time being wasted on weekdays. Thats because i will be either stoning, daydreaming or dozing off in the bus on my way to school & back home from school. I didn't did something more productive such as reading or revising. But i will do my homework on the bus, if there is a need. Damn lazy and i just feel like... stoning(since it requires the least effort) or think about stuffs. Funny much.... Okay lah 12.30am already. I should try to write my int ht presentation on my cue cards or complete my POM project.
Today @ 12:13 AM
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Sigh, gotta chiong for projects this and next week, and tutorials homework and upcoming quizzes. This is tiring me out. Why did i believe your words? Gotta sleep, goodnight
Everyone living a life on the surface, while underneath truth and reality bubbles away - until the day that it blows up.
I miss my bbfs.
Whats the meaning of a true friend?
Today @ 2:07 AM
Thursday, July 9, 2009
What you had just said made my heart ache more. I'm sorry
Today @ 10:39 PM
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Not missing you...
Wanting sent me this ice cream cause it was raining that day!
Things are changing now. Wasn't anticipating changes at all. Right now, i'm trying to adapt to these changes. Gonna stay strong this time round.
Today @ 10:00 PM
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I'm tired tired tired. On the bus way home i bumped into Alicia A! Talked throughout the bus journey, mostly our primary school times. We have been partners, sitting together for 2 consecutive years and its funny how we both ended up in Tp even though we went to different secondary schools. Anyhooooooooooo i'm so tired, i have to go do fb fund now-Pacific Rim Menu.
Today @ 5:18 PM
Monday, July 6, 2009
I survived 2hours at the library today, copied pom lecture notes! There were only me, Weiming and Jane attending RHT, can you believe it, 3 out of 23 people turned up. Haha, anyway it ended at 5.03pm and for the first time ever, we actually asked alot of questions. I think i understand alot better now. This lecturer is too kind, seriously. I can't stand my messy room!! I still have not threw or give away my olevels' books! I'm gonna clear out my room this coming weekend.
Today @ 9:20 PM
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain.
Can't stop raining.
I wished it will stop now, because i'm going out for dinner now and i'm not gonna have any ice cream.
Today @ 6:58 PM
Maybe it was my fault to begin with. Maybe if we let go of it we will be happier. Maybe what we need now is a break from all these. Goodbye my hopeless dream
On a random note, i'm hungry. I didn't had lunch. My headache is killing me, and it only got better after i taken the Pandadol for headaches. I only accomplished rht tutorial homework, sigh, when will i stop procrastinating? Its making me frustrated. Projects due soon. Quizes, assignments. I miss my family, i miss my uncle, aunt and cousin from Los Angeles. They visited us for 2 consecutive years(2007 and 2008) during our june holidays, but not this year. Probably due to H1N1. Sigh.
Life is so vulnerable and i'm still wasting it away like this, still taking it for granted.
Last week, my dad told me my grandfather is hospitalized and is currently in the nursing home now. This week, my third aunt(maternal) just told me my grandfather got hospitalized and is currently recuperating at home. At least my grandfather(dad's side) has nurses and my uncles and aunts to take care of him so i'm less worried. Whereas for my mum's side, all my grandfather has is my grandmother. All their children are away in foreign countries. Both of them are old, and i know this is taking a toll on my grandma's life. I really want to visit them soon.
I'm feeling sad.
Today @ 5:52 PM
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Reality check
Out with Wanting today! Our twosome world hahaha ;) Okay, it was because Irah, Layting and Sihui couldn't make it. So anyway met up with her at City Hall after her job training. She bought lots of accessories, then we went to Vivo City to get my bracelet!! It was nearly sold out. Went to find Sihui who was working! Hehe, she so cute and funny! It was an unexpected surprise? Then we took a train down to Chinatown so we can go to the this store located outside People's Park Complex. Wow we had a tough time finding the place and it looks so isolated i swear. Thank goodness I have a friend who always has the courage to ask people for directions mehehe. I like the many many many steps(Wt, i just got reminded we can actually take leading photos using those steps!) The store was kind of messy. She bought her pretty stud shoes and i bought a bag! Happy us. Dinner together and chatted + laughed + crapped as usual. She went off to meet her bestie and i went home. I'm so tired naoooooooooooooooooo. Haha, one more weekend to go, ah.... sad.
Today @ 8:53 PM
Friday, July 3, 2009
One H O Four
What an enjoyable week i had. Haha. Wednesday was Shengxiang's and Kerry's birthday. Happy birthday! Layting planned a surprise for Shengxiang right after our Macro Econs lecture. Very hilarious and fun:) I guessed you can say it was quite a successful surprise. Love the cookies n' cream cake, too bad we didn't had another extra cake to smash Shengxiang's face;) Thursday ended fast and sweet because school finishes at 3pm. Many projects are due this month... Rht, Comm skills, POM, Macro Econs, Fb fund(the last) and my apel 1 mission statement! AHHHHHHHH. I seriously hope we won't rush out our projects like what we did for int ht, hahaha. Surveys are distributed for rht and comm skills already right? Today's friday! TGIF. Lecture for Fb fund today was seafood-fish. Veryyyyy cool, i know more about fishes now! Headed down to Ikea at Tampiness with my poly friends. Reached there within 15minutes? Fast right. Went to their restaurant to settle our lunch. Yummmmmy, swedish meatballs and fried chicken wings are my favourites. Walked around Ikea, played, pranked, laughed, i was looking out for a new study table(and one caught my eye) Me, Wanting, Layting and Ryan each bought a mouse pad! Mine's red. Bought Ikea's Soft Ice cream and hotdog bun!!! Hehe super delicious. The best weather to eat ice cream is definitely rainy days:) Walked over to Giant.
I'm dead beat now. Weekends are here for me to recharge. Funny how one week could end this fast! Soon next week will be the 3rd week of Term 2 and i have semestral examinations at the end of August. Seriously hope i will have enough time to revise? Happy i got an A for POM! Will be having Dim Sum Buffet with Wanting and the rest sometime next week? Yay. Meeting them again for shopping tomorrow! Alright, will post the ikea photos some other day.

Layting and Shengxiang, hope you guys will always stay this happy;)


Today @ 8:37 PM