Monday, August 31, 2009
Happy teachers' day! Happy 17th to zhaomin since her birthdays fall on 1sept as well ;) Headed back to school to visit the teachers and my old friends. Some people had already reached. Celebration was held in the hall so we went up to the familar platform - idea gym located just right above the hall. As usual there were peirceans performing and singing! I remembered the last few years when i was still in peirce, we had "Peirce Idol" as well!!! It was really fun and the audience got high that time.. Video clip that seemed like a MTV by the sec3 rugby boys were hilarious and cool! No singing and dancing by the teachers this year :( All the enthusiastic teachers like Mr Song and Mr Wong aren't teaching in the school anymore. So anyway went to look for all the teachers and really saw alot of familar faces;) Laura, marilyn, Zak & Edwayne & Anas!!!! Yanseng, jianqiang and really alot more. Had breakfast cum lunch - -Sheng Mian add eggs! ^^ in the school canteen with the remaining 4Es who went back. Coke, Pang and the rest went to prata house. Sigh. So anyway stayed back, chatted with Kermin, Nata and Meiyu. The whole conversation was very funny. Mr Lee is still the same!!!! AS FUNNY AS EVER HAHA. Seriously, ttm. Ms pang was sick so she didn't came :( Waited for Yiqi and Xueqin so we could head to town to look for zm's present!! Km and i watched them ate carls junior. Walked around, bought the stuff. Kermin and i headed back to far east to have the wanton noodles! Its us again, my friend ever since i was p3? Home together and here i am blogging!
Noelle's graduation ceremony last friday was great:) Its nice to see people throwing their graduation hats(is that what you call it?!!!) into the air. Congratulations sister!! 04 class chalet tomorrow! Fast right. We discussed it on thursday, got the figures and heads on friday-saturday. Book it, and its gonna happen tmr already. Just 2 days 1 night. Actually i think 3days 2nights chalet seem kind of boring because there's not much activities to do? Unless everyone is the "super on" kind. (Bad experience at the beginning of the year that explains why i said this) Anyway... realised its been a while since i had ice cream at ice kimo and ice cube. Remember i always head there in the past. Sometimes things changes because of unfamilarity... possible? Anyway i will see my favourite boys and girl this coming holiday for eye scream and study?? (But i will just stare at them studying or maybe use my laptop) Besties' birthday coming hehehe. When all my friends are back from their holiday trip, i hope i will get to see them??
I WANT TO WATCH THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE, ITS COMING OUT ON 3SEPTEMBER!!!!! Yayyyyyy. I wanna watch with shan i think because she read the book as well! :) I have yet to make a trip down to the library, will do so soon! She's having holidays this coming saturday which means i will finally get to see her. Howe as well, this week is her last school week, double joy!!:) Hahah omg qixiang told me he still played maple!!! Cool. Eh i remembered i played it when i was sec1 all the way till the mid of sec3. I think maybe i will still be playing it now if my internet didn't broke down at that time? HAHAH, cool. Those maple times... Anyway!!!! I can't can't can't stop listening to, "In Your Smile".

Today @ 11:23 PM
Sunday, August 30, 2009
In your smile
Jolene and RachelMonday! Peirce visit tmrw yay! Maybe aitong as well together with Peiqin. Hahah can see my clique and the rest as well ;) Am talking to Ting on msn now, miss you!!! Heheh, faster meet up. Class chalet this coming tuesday, ahhh lets hope everything will go as planned. It will be nice if you shop alone, eat alone, have a cup of coffee alone, read a book alone, right? The month of September is COMING!!!!!!!!!!! Most important month because its both of my besties' birthday. Hahaha bye!
No longer anticipating anything anymore. As the saying goes, there's no disappointment if you don't harbour any hopes. The most basic principle to live a life.
Today @ 4:57 PM
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Stay home saturday was pretty well spent, considering the fact that i watched shows and videos online. HAHA. Weiming showed me this korean variety show titled "We got Married". Its a very meaningful show, because two celebrities who doesn't know each other will come together and do things that married couple do. Right now i'm watching is on Kim Hyun Joong & Hwang Bo. Very interesting indeed :) I can't wait to watch full house 2 as well. There's lots of good movies showing on the theatres now. The one that i'm anticipating the most would be "The Time Traveler's Wife" I want to see how different the story will be as compared to the novel. Hopefully it will not be a disappointing one. Yesterday i attended my eldest sister's university graduation ceremony. Will upload the visuals another day. Monday i'm heading back to peirce! Yayyyyyyy so happy, i will get to see my friends again ;) I miss my korean-american cousin (the one on the right). I find the above photo very cute cause both of them just looks so cute hahah. Hopefully my uncle, aunt and my cousin will visit us soon but i understand its difficult to, with the bad economy and influenza A. Right...... i can't wait to go shopping as well hehehe. Bye everyone :)
Today @ 8:52 PM
Thursday, August 27, 2009
school's out
HOLIDAYS HOLIDAYS HOLIDAYSFinally, been waiting for the clock to strike 4.30pm on the 27th August 2009 since that marks the journey to freedom. Hahah woohoo no school for 7weeks!!!!! Can't help but to feel happy. These past few days have been studying mugging eating. Totally missed out on my sleep!! I can have a good rest tonight i'm sure ;) Anyway it was good to have exams because i revised everything i had learnt. Now, i'm so much familar about govt taxes monetary, fiscal policies. I even gained alot of knowledge about beers, spirits and wine. Interpreting wine labels from all kinds of countries are that interesting after all! Hehe, holidays... I'm gonna sleep, borrow all books i have been wanting to read since million years ago, exercise please and watch all the movies and dramas online hehe, okay i sound like a geek now!! I'm very obsessed with dramas and movies chinese korean english! And of course, most importantly, CATCH UP WITH MY FRIENDS. Besties theusuals shanzzz clique sec school coast! Oh and i must also meet up with my poly mates, wanting and sihui and the rest! I don't want to see you guys only after 7 weeks! Don't forget we still gonna go for a meal at holland v! F1 training this holiday, YOG training too i guess!!! So that means.... i may have to reject that temp job i was offered, sigh. Feeling so brokeeee. I hope I will get to meet up with someone this coming holidays. A best friend i lost a few years back. I think there's alot of things to catch up with each other's lives even though we aren't close anymore. Really miss those times but its gone forever isn't it. Hahaha okie dokie i'm going off now have lots of things to do on the net!
Today @ 8:31 PM
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
First paper starts on friday and i'm still here blogging. I'm everything but prepared for my upcoming examinations. Thats bad isn't it. Macro economics will kickstart my exams this friday. I swear i don't know how am i going to handle fb fund and int ht when both of them are on the same day. Furthermore, there's like tons of stuffs to memorize. Alright, goodbye everyone.
Anyone who can touch youcan hurt you or heal youAnyone who can reach youcan love you or leave you
Today @ 11:51 AM
Monday, August 17, 2009

(Ps: I just feel like posting this photo all of a sudden. I miss my clique + siyun + huixuan)

(more to come another day....)
(Below are the surprise photos for pamela's and huixuan's birthdays!)

Headed out for Alfred's 17th Birthday Celebration with my awesome primary school friends!!! Hehee everything was close to perfect if eechen, weijian etc came as well. Anyway, had Mahanttan Fish Market for dinner over at Bishan. Yummmy we had the seafood platter, totally love the cheese on the prawns!!! And mussels with some sauce was wonderful as well. Seafood is good (Y) Lied to Alfred that me, wenlynn and weijang had to go to the washroom when in fact, we were going to get a cake!!! Hehehe guess what cake we got!!! We got him a cake that has hello kitty designs and also a small cake with Power Rangers design so as to smash it on his face. We bought such designs purposely. Went up to the usual big open space and lit the candles and we started walking towards him. AH HUH he was surprised! Weijang waited for the moment to smash the cake on his face and he succeeded!!!!!!!! ^^
Ate the super creamy cake and then we played "Truth or Dare" (again). Jianyu's itouch is able to play that game cause you can actually spin the bottle!! Cool shit. Hehehe omg damn funny anyway, us telling the truth and everything, like crushes in primary school times and stuffs. We started reminiscing ;) Jianyu was saying, "Last time me & Weijang always skip morning run" and they started laughing lah. Only being with them then i will give super duper honest answers in games like this. Thats one strange thing. Perhaps they are the only ones i can really completely trust... Okay not all, maybe just the girls, jy and weijang hehee. All in all i had a great time, thank you guys:P I hope alfred had a great day too. I'm putting on weight because i had eaten 4 birthday cakes this month! Can you imagine all the high fat content and stuffs? Hahaha but i guess its worthwhile because its my friends' birthday^^
I'm really glad that i'm still in contact with my primary school friends. Most of them, at least 15 of them... and that gatherings and outings are organised every now and then. Me and wenlynn agrees that Eechen is the most luckiest girl among us and we are jealous!!!!!!! Hahaha. Am really thankful :) Anyway, it is true that friendships are very fragile and very vulnerable. But i believe we will get through this right? We had come so far, we had went through those hard times together. Surely we can this time round right? I hope that eventually, everything will turn out to be fine, turn out to be right. Right where it used to be before:)
Okay gotta go and chat with my friends on msn!!! Goodnight!
Today @ 12:44 AM
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Sihui & Aizsa's Birthday! Happy 17th & 18th!

(wanting's creation!!!!!)
Today @ 1:26 PM