Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Thought that by then, i would had gotten used to it. Its happening so frequently that it has become a routine. I'm so tired of holding on, so sick of finding the courage to believe in it. Learning to keep the secret in my eyes and wrapping the truth inside my lies. Everything in my life just sucks now, to the max.
Today @ 10:50 PM
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
F1 + BSB

Saturday work was boring like crazy because different people were on the same shift as me. Nevertheless, it was alright! Hahah, went out from Gate 3 and found out there were young men giving out free100plus! Those huge 100plus machine was on the back of the guys and i felt so amazed haha, we got one too! It tasted very nice since the weather was so hot. Sunday started work at 12am, so before that i went to meet my work friends in the noon to catch the race and performances! Damn it was crowded!!!! But thank god we got seats, just right infront of the race track eh eh! Means nothing else was blocking our view except for the bars hahahah. Watch the porsche carrera cup asia race. It was GREAT! The winner drove around waving to the audience and we cheered as well(though we don't know who's that?) HAHA, finally it was the drivers' parade! All f1 drivers came out and waved to the crowd and the crowd cheered! I SAW LEWIS HAMILTON AND KIMI RAIKKONEN! Basically all drivers, but my eyes were on these 2 drivers of course hahahah. The sound of the cars were SO LOUD, you will definitely go deaf without a ear plug i swearrrrr. And they were so fast! We watched the race till 9pm then we decided to take food from our workplace. The dinner pack + drink + pudding! Headed to Padang! Damn you know how expensive their food are? $8 for chicken rice and $12 for coke & prata ?!?!! LOL, Night life robbery manzz.
Sat at the grass patch of Padang, watched the 2 super duper big screens, the ongoing race! Halfway through, red bull crashed and everyone was like AHHH (or was it awww?) Haha, then wanting&sihui came to join us! We moved all the way to the front cause the concert stage was in between the 2 big screens. 10pm backstreet boys' concert, we were in the first 4 rows, not bad rightttttt. They were late for 9minutes but it was ALRIGHT as long as they show up! They finally came out singing "Larger than Life". They sung lots of other great songs as well, like "i want it that way", "show me the meaning of being lonely" and of course "inconsolable". Old school old school! They sang those classic old songs, and their new songs(straight into my heart) plus their solo songs! AWESOME. The crowd was so high. I'm not a huge fan of bsb but i listen to their songs often. Trisha and i was like crazy, crazy singing along and dancing(though there were limited spaces) hahaha, damn we sweated like a dog! We practically knew all the lyrics of the songs thus it was verrrrry enjoyable:) Love it when they dance;)
AJ was so sexy, Nick's eyes were so prettttty! Howie D is so funny hahaha and Brian is SO CUTE.
They kept looking at those girls in the front! Its only in this situtation then i wish i was taller! For a moment i think nick looked at me and trisha? But i have no idea if that was our imagination lololol. They ended early like around 11.45pm and the crowd was saying "we want more we want more!!!!" AND THEY REALLY CAME BACK! They were so nice to do this for us! They sang "Shape of My Heart" as the last final song. Finally at the last part they threw their towels and shirts down, i didn't got it, i'm never lucky! Overall, the concert was AWESOMEEEEEEE!
Sweaty me went to work! Haha i was alone i dont know why! Lucky Joel (yes Joel Lee!) came, he was working as the promoter hahaha, so we talked! He also watched bsb's concert, he went for Travis' concert on sat! Argh i missed it! I want to watch travis as well! AHHH:( He said travis was better than Bsb! Haha. Then right right right! I managed to see the last glimpse of the bsb boys! Because my work place was at esplanade carpark (esplanade cafeteria) so they were leaving from there. Goshhhhh i ran to see, they passed by me! Firstly there was a policeman, followed by a family car which the bsb are in, then the 2nd car was the band, followed by a policeman. Haha if it wasn't for the policemen i swear i will stop the cars and take their autographs and give AJ's autograph to Trisha (since she's mad over him) ! Yeah, joel helped me alot, like the machine thingy, thanks! :D
Rest came, and work resumed, though there wasn't much to do. I love the coffee making machine. There were options like mocha, latte, teh tarik, milo and etc! It was so boring so we started snacking, and ate pudding. I had 3 altogether! Played poker cards. Eventually 330am we went up to the humble house restaurant to sleep, the five of us. Mingzhang our shift leader went to watch "Angels and Demons" on his laptop! HAHA we can bring laptops! Slept on the chair, with the aircon. So comfortable hahah, slept till 6am then we headed down to the carpark to prepare breakfast! Very little people still. Finally my shift ended at 8am and headed home to sleep, so tired!
Anyway i had so much fun these 3 days, especially the first and last day. Great working with those people:) They were all so nice, made lots of awesome friends too! F1 race and BSB's concert was the bombzzz, totally enjoyed it, i hope bsb come to singapore again for tour!:) Love them, i'm listening to their songs now, lol! OH AND I FINALLY GOT MY CASIO WATCH! YAYYYYYY I'M SO HAPPY HEHEHE:)
I will upload the photos and maybe videos sometime this week again:)
Now let me show you the shape of my heart~~~ cause' i never wanna hear you say, i want it that way~~~ My love is all i have to give
Today @ 1:00 PM
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I'm working midnight shift tmr, 12am to 8am!!! Damn i better have enough sleep or else i will be so tired tmrw. I'm gonna watch the race tmr before my work starts with my other friends:) Yay! Hopefully i get to see Lewis Hamilton with his McLaren-Mercedes and Kimi Räikkönen with his Ferrari! hehe.. Travis performing tmrrrrrrrr!!!!! And trisha and I are so happy that we can make it for backstreet boys' performance @ padang tmrw HAHAHA, it will be nice if they sing their classic songs hahaha. Okay okay, got to go and rest! Goodnight!
Today @ 11:23 PM
Friday, September 25, 2009
f1 first day
Today is the first day of work @ F1 for me. I'm working at esplanade cafeteria! Had to be there at 9.30am. It wasn't as bad as what i thought initially! Made some really nice new friends, 2 from NYP and the rest from TP- htm! My job was pretty slack though, just need to pass the food and stuffs and when there's nobody we can just talk (we are allowed to!!) Worked with Huixuan since we are in the same shift hahaha!!!! First time working with her. It was really fun, lunch didn't suck as well and we made iced mocha by ourselves hehe. Went to look for zhaomin with huixuan after work since zm is working for the st john's. Haha funny we are so proud of our security passes because its very personalized(with name and photo). We bought earplus and poncho from them. Those cars are really fast i swear, and they are soooo loud omg! Home! And i'm sooooo tired. Gotta reach by 7am tmr sighzzzzz. Hopefully i will get to watch the race on sunday heheheheh :)
PS: Anyway, all 1H04, if you see this, please go to ole-bb and check out the latest announcement on YOG training and some other events updates that award you with seal points!!!
Today @ 8:50 PM
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Today, Weijie did a kind deed. He fetched Ryan, me, wanting, sihui & Jingxiang from our homes so we can head down together to tiong bahru since he just gotten his license weeks ago! Somemore we all live at different areas so yeah wasn't pretty much on the way i guess? Anyway, it was very hilarious!!! Ryan was seated in the front, and then he was "driving" as he was controlling the steering wheel?!?! Then it was like he was making the car going leftwards and rightwards for a few seconds but i must say he's not bad at turning?? HAHAHA omg it was damn scary since there's 6lives on the car but yet it was fun, like sitting on a roller coaster. We passed by the big field @ sengkang, the place where people go to fly kites. Ah i wanna go for kite flying! With credits to the car's GPS, we finally reached central plaza, collected our F1 shirts, security pass and name tags. Working on friday to sunday, midnight shift on sunday 12am to 8pm idiot it ate into my monday:( Had late lunch at subway(eat fresh), then Weijie drove them home one by one. For me, i had to go bugis to meet PQ for dinner so i was the last on the list haha. ANYWAY THANKS ALOT WEIJIE:)
Waited for pq for 45minutes and finally had dinner at Aijisen ramen, very yummy especially when i'm hungry. Then she bought the famous fried gold mushroom according to her and i must say its nice! SPICY (Y) Walked around, missed 980 and it came 13min later and i spilled out my secrets!! HAHA. It was an enjoyable day with you babe!
I'll be out of singapore tmr again.... Guess it will be good? For fresh air and tranquility. So i can think straight!
We both changed, just admit it
Today @ 12:05 AM
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Just got back home. Went down to meet yanseng, xinkai and vanille! :D Its been soooo long since i last saw Vanille. Baby hyper's store! She is still as cheerful and cute as ever. Teddy bear! Hehe, had fun disturbing. Too bad the shop closed or else we would had bought ice cream. My watch is not working anymore, i guess its time to get a new watch ;) OH AND MY SISTER BROUGHT FOOD BACK FROM DAN'S HOUSE! I'm gonna go eat hehe bye!
Today @ 9:17 PM
happy birthday BFFs
Cabbed down to Bishan with Shan since it was raining heavily on friday. Been like 5 months since i last saw her! Watched The Time Traveler's Wife at Cine with shan, coke and pang:) We still have not watched transformers 2 together!!! Hahah. The movie was pretty good i must say.. rated it 3.5/5 stars:) Of course, as usual, the book is better! I had read the book last year but i still remembered some details about it. Sadly they didn't show the last scene in the book. It was one of the scene that made me cried. I still think they should include that scene in the movie. Haha. Walked around and went to a cafe in ION. Mocha frappe (Y) Chatted and laughed.. lots of catching up though. Waited for lynn in plaza sing so we can head down to eechen's house together! OH ANE WE DID A GOOD THING OKAY. There's this 5years old little boy who was wandering around eechen's condo, and it was already 11pm ++ so we decided to approach him! He said that he was waiting for a friend but the friend had left, or something like that? We felt so worried so we decided to bring him home, and he happened to stay in the same block but different floors as chen. He wasn't afraid of us! He's a very bright kid, judging from the way he talk:) But how could his parents just let him wander around anywhere at anytime? Its far too dangerous and irresponsible.
Counted down to the start of eechen's birthday and the end of wenlynn's birthday! hehehe. Happy birthday besties! Love you two plenty plenty plenty plenty, 7years of best friends and more to come right!!! Sang birthday song for her :D Hehe, we had instant noodles at 4am man, mine's the laksa flavor ^^ Watched telly and i fell asleep i guess aahah, officially slept at 6am, and that two girls slept till 1.30pm! Woke up, slacked and talked about stuffs, then home in the evening since chen had to meet her friends. Oh and jianyu's second home has pots and pans and a working stove! Gonna ask my mum to teach me how to make pasta then :D Hehe.
Selamat Hari Raya to all my muslim friends!! My second sister is bringing food home from dan's house! I remembered i had it last year and i had stomach aches for 2 straight days! BUT IT WAS DELICIOUS!!! Especially rendang, yummy! Probably my stomach can't take too much spicy food? Hope that won't happen again this year hahaha! Oh and i have to report by 6.45AM @ CITY HALL MRT NEXT SAT FOR F1!! Crazy eh to reach at 6.45 is insane sigh :( And i just flare up at my dad for no reason, feeling so bad and sorry now :(

halfway through we decided to webcam with jianyu heheheheh

Wenlynn's birthday card, by me and chen ^^

Chen's birthday card, by lynn and I ^^

HI CHEWING GUM! :D (green tea flavored)
(overdue chalet photos)

Today @ 5:43 PM
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Am talking to Sam on fb, Chew and Ting on Msn. Hahaha YOU KNOW WHAT, I can't wait for christmas. HAHA AND I DON'T KNOW WHY. LETS COUNT DOWN TO CHRISTMAS!
Today @ 1:23 AM
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Met up with marilyn today. She had her last paper for prelims today! 37more days to her olevels, haha. Just couldn't help but to recall what i was doing around this period last year. Walked around ION Orchard and yeah i think there are quite alot of interesting shops though some were repetitive. Had ice cream at Shudoku streets of Japan over at Heeren. Yummmmy, love ice cream. Bumped into Nata Meiyu Bernice and Darryl!!! Then we chatted and stuffs, coincidental much;) Then had the soup spoon. Tried a new flavor today, pumpkin soup! Its nice i must say. Saw Mrs Yau on the bus and yeah the 3 of us talked! Haha, sent Marilyn to her tuition! Today was a pretty nice day, as we did lots of catching up and talked alot, can't wait to see her again! The time traveler's wife this friday, YAY! Nights everyone!
Today @ 8:24 PM
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
If someone gets cheated once, its because she's navie
If someone gets cheated twice, its because she's ignorant
If someone gets cheated thrice, its because she's dumb
I'm warning myself again, not to fall into the same trap. NEVER EVER AGAIN
Today @ 1:13 AM
Monday, September 14, 2009
Blasting weekend
HI EVERYONE, hahah had a blasting weekend. Friday was over at Eechen's house, to get started with Wenlynn's present!! Basically it was fun because it was time spent alone with her and we discovered many things. Dinner with her family! And they ordered KFC for supper after that. Now i know that why you're bound to gain weight at chen's house haha! Sleepover at her house since we couldn't finish it on time. Completed everything at 7am (a sense of accomplishment) and we headed to sleep till 9.30am lololol. Washed up and everything and went to Shenton way for F1's briefing. Hmmm lets hope it will be fun! Met Lynn and then waited for the rest of them to reach. Advanced celebration for eechen & wenlynn's birthday. Eventually our plan to head down to Astons for dinner was cancelled because the queue was super long?!!!! SCARY. So the whole lot of us, 11 people in exact went down to Plaza Sing for Fish&Co since the 2nd storey was big enough to accommodate us! Bumped into Coke! Coincidentally he was just seated right infront of our table hahaha! Speaking of coke, i wonder how is his first day is like to be a relief teacher at Peirce!!! Ate and talked alot about those old times and laughed really alot hahaha. Weijang was so nice that day so surprising. He left early but nevertheless still love you la! Accompanied Wenjie to the cathay for B&J, but it was too crowded so it was a take-away. Then we took a bus down to thomson, and settled for Ice Cube! Really talked alot, can't wait for sleepover @ jianyu's house once again. I want to learn how to cook pasta for them!;) Was deciding which guy was to send the girls home. For me, Weijian didn't came since he was overseas so Weikian & Eechen had to do the honour of sending me home hehehe while Jianyu sent Wenlynn. Thank you!!! Sunday went to lynn's house for chen's present hahaha, you see i'm the middle person huh. Yeah, had dinner there, catched up on some stuffs too. Thank you for the dinner, lurb youzzz! Can't wait to see the end product!
I enjoyed myself that day everyone, really, thanks for coming! To me, all of you are just like my second family. All of you are important to me! They are guys who are very different from my secondary school and poly friends. I'm so thankful i got into 6F(or else i wouldn't know you all) and then we still kept in touch till now, hehe. They are probably people whom i can trust completely and the most. Love you all very berry much! Can't wait for Jianyu to get a driving license so we can go anywhere and everywhere hehe. He has a car but all he needs is a driving license! Can't wait to be 18 too so we can hit the pubs and clubs. Haha PHOTOS UP NEXT!!! Love all of it

Today @ 4:31 PM