Monday, November 30, 2009
Arm yourself because no one here will save you. I'm feeling extremely disturbed now. School has been getting more and more annoying and pissing me off. This sucks.
Today @ 2:07 AM
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Try eating cup noodles in a vehicle with strawberry milk and the music on.
Awesome (Y) hahaha
I want to go on the France Study Trip for my cds!!! But 2500-3000.... next life maybe.
Today @ 10:54 PM
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Today @ 11:11 PM
Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm back!!! Got lots of stuffs to blog about hahah, my weekend had been a tiring and blasting week.
Headed to Ehub to catch 2012 with my poly friends right after school. 11 of us, thank god Weijie and Shengxiang drove thats why it was able to contain all of us! Shengxiang drove his teal green mercs to school. 2012 is an awesome movie (Y). The last time I ever watched an awesome movie that talks about the "end of the world/earth" was the 1998's film; Armageddon. Armageddon is one of my favourite classic movie, love it
Rain. As usual. It rains every thursday, nothing surprising about that. Managed to survive world issues and french quiz!!! Hooray hahaha
Happy 17th! Yes, school as usual, comm skills test and bcs proj submission. Only got to sleep at 4am and woke up at 6am to complete everything. Was a walking zombie, literally. Headed to Expo for food fest with my polymates! For our geog travel project:) There were many awesome food hahaha. And and and and, they surprised me. Honestly i didn't see that coming, not at all:) Hehhehe cake and song and 17 balloons! Thank you very much:) Love you all. And holding 17balloons in my hand walking around Expo wasn't an easy job because all the kids want it! Hahah but i can't give to them because it was all tangled up, sorry! Home for a quick shower and off to town to meet the usuals. Heheh had Hk cafe at plaza sing, thanks for the dinner! Hahha and then off to cold storage to get supper and breakfast for the stayover ^^ Heheh and there was a movie marathon going on at ps! Cool stuff. Off to jy's house, got a really BIG AND HUGE SURPRISE:) Jianyu honoured his promise, he really lit up his whole living room with candles:) Heheh and lynn and the rest came down! (I really thought they were not coming for my birthday) Hahaha birthday songs and cake, as usual! Was really surprised. And i had to take the candle wax out from the cake only using my mouth!!! Was really tough, nearly got smashed in the face HAHAHA, and then 2nd challenge was that I had to blow out the candles from 5m away and.... i managed to did it! Cool. Anyway, thanks for the handmade card hehe I LOVE IT! You guys are great:):) Wenjie & pq left first and the rest stayover. The usual stuffs, and sang songs. At 3am plus? Luckily jy's house's walls are soundproof? No swimming at his pool cause it was really COLD. Played some game. Super fun. Fortunately Jy had training in the morning so we did not had any alcohol for the game or else sure will hangover the following day! Had soft drinks instead, but still all of us had to drink alot, kept going to the toilet hahah. Maybe next time, christmas:D Some went for a quick nap while me, chen & mike went to prepare pasta!!! Heheh cool, so homely! Nap again at 6am till 9am because Weijian kept waking me up by using funny tactics haha. Pasta for breakfast! Deliciouzzzzzzz! We should get more pasta and also bake some cookies for our next stayover instead of calling our usual MAC delivery!!! I wanna learn how to cook chicken rice already lah hahaa. Sang again, zzzzz and lunch at tp. Home, was exhausted.
Got some sleep and off to town to meet Jolene and the rest!:) Yayyy. Had dinner @ Ichiban Sushi. I ate () Nabe () - i only managed to remember the "nabe" :/ ahah, and catched up on each other's lives. Laughed, crapped haha and ice cream @ Ice cube (thomson!):) Our usual favourite hangout, as always. Yanseng came to join us for ice cream! Home and I went to sleep at 1am cause i gotta wake up at like 4am HAHAHAH.
Weijie woke me up at 4.20am as he was on his way to fetch budiman!!! Wow was so tired and then we were late haha but nobody cares anyway! Volunteering for Run for Hope 2009! Hhaha the race started at like 8am, so late eh. Okay but i must say it isn't an easy feat to complete 10km, Khai sure agree with me on this. After that, all of us sat in Shengxiang's car to Parkway Parade. Lunch together and crap here and there and eventually went back home since everyone was damn tired! hhaha, slept from like 2pm - 6pm just now but believe me it isn't enough to compensate for the loss of sleep incurred these past few days cause i'm sleepy now!!!
I think, this is the most awesome birthday ever. The past few years wasn't as great as this year:/ Thank you Jeremy & Alfred for planning my birthday, 100points for that! Thank you Jianyu for honouring your promise! Thank you wenlynn, eechen, weijian, weikian, wenjie, mike, peiqin and nestor for coming hehehe and giving me such an awesome surprise! Thank you, i love the handmade card each of you had helped to design. Its not easy for guys to make cards! Thank you mike for the sunflower!!!! Thank you Weijie for the 17 balloons and everything else!!! Thank you Weiming for the present!! Its amazing. Thank you Wanting, Layting, Sihui & Irah, as well as Jingxiang, Jane and Shengxiang for planning the surprise party hehehe. The most shocking and happy thing wasn't because you guys planned a surprise party for me (this is part of it but the main point is...) but rather, that, although we have only known each other for 7months, but you guys still go the extra mile for me so i will enjoy my birthday. I was really touched, i swear. Thank you Jolene, Coke, QX, Chap, yiqi and shan for the present, i will use it!!!:) (cause coke gonna spy me in sch hehe kidding) Thank you to all my other friends who had wished me, am really glad you all still remember my birthday and even made the effort to wish me:) And Mike, Dan & Darren, hope you guys had enjoyed your own birthday too! And i still have got one more celebration to go with venice, khai & chengni! I will never ever forget what you guys had done for me, even when I'm already 80 years old:) (if i managed to live till this age). Oh yes sorry for being so random but I chance upon this classic quote from the movie "Titanic" hahaha i like!
"A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets."
ps: photos another day
Love all of you (L)
Today @ 12:51 AM
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I'm the most luckiest and happiest girl on this Earth:) Thank you.
I have got volunteering for "Run for Hope" later @ 530am, so I shouldn't sleep now right.
Today @ 1:01 AM
Friday, November 20, 2009
DAMN AT 1.26AM I'M STILL LEFT WITH SO MUCH TO STUDY FOR CS2 AND I HAVE NOT COMPLETED MY BCS MICROSOFT EXCEL PROJECT. For the first time in my 17years of life, I have to study and for the 2nd time in my 16years (1st- p5) of life, my birthday is a school day. Amazing. And no no no, no cursing or swearing words on my birthday. However, I KNOW IM STILL GONNA ENJOY MY DAY TMRW HAHAHAHA. Bye got to run!
Today @ 1:24 AM
happy birthday
Finally I'm 17. I'm finally 17, together with Mike, Darren & Danial! Hahah happy birthday guys, one more year to the key of doing legal stuffs and getting a driving license? The past 16years of my life have been more than awesome, met and knew some really great friends I never thought I would. Life, has been fair to me, in a way. Many lessons learnt and experiences gained throughout these 16years. There is still more to come, i know. In any case, I know I will enjoy my day tmrw:)
Today @ 12:49 AM
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I will survive.
Today @ 12:16 AM
Monday, November 16, 2009
Eye.eats.candy:( Try decoding that. Haha time to wake up from your dream Weifen.
Today @ 11:37 PM
Today @ 2:01 AM
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Every year without fail, whenever my birthday is approaching, I know the same old thing will happen all over again. Its the reason why I don't look forward to my birthday, because no matter what decision I make, I know I'm going to hurt at least someone in the process. And that is the last thing I ever wanted to do. Believe me, its making me cranky and stressed up (even though I know dozens of people wouldn't believe my words) Life is like a straw, it sucks.
Today @ 3:33 AM
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Sometimes, goodbye is the second chance.
Who said coincidences do happen? I say, everything is predestined. All my life, I had kept far too much stuffs and secrets to myself. So much till i don't know whats real and whats not anymore. Seems like my world is crashing down. Its so mentally exhausting... Weifen, please please please just remember your god damn set of princples. Its the only way for you to save yourself from all. This time round, I'm really out of my mind.
Today @ 9:09 PM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Who are you? Who am I? Who are we? Believe me, i'm going out of my mind.
Today @ 10:51 PM
Come on Weifen, just follow the principles you had set for yourself few years back. Its the only way for you to save yourself.
Today @ 9:22 PM
Monday, November 9, 2009
When you start to lose yourself, what do you do?
If it's not real You can't hold it in your hand You can't feel it with your heart And I won't believe it But if it's true You can see it with your eyes Or even in the darkParamore - Brick By Boring Brick
Today @ 11:26 PM
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Its a sunny day today. Great! Haha, back home from meeting Yanseng & Xinkai! Sorry i woke up late. We had brunch together at prata house and then went off to Amk to get something. Arcade then -daytona (LOL). Xk went work while yan and I headed home together. Was pretty good since all 3 of us catch up on our lives. Xk bought a new orange casing for his blackberry bold. We agreed it looks like some gummy cause it was very orangey! Thanks for today man!:)
School was interesting yesterday hahaha cause we went kite flying and the guys played soccer. Somewhere near Shengxiang's house. NB (not bad), we should hang out like this often hahaha. But everyone was dead tired, cause this week had been busy (comm skills). I'm freaking tired now still 'cause i woke up at 830am?!?! Okay shall post photos. I think i should stop spamming my blog with photos. Wanting is really efficient in sending photos i must say ^^
Oh yes. To Mike, Darren & Danial, we can start counting down already HAHAHA
Today @ 12:56 PM
Friday, November 6, 2009
Oui, i managed to survive 9am - 6pm thursday. Was god damn freaking tired. Anyway, made more new friends in world issues and french tutorials today! Awesome. Geog Travel for Tourism was pretty cool, discussing case studies questions online. Microecons was not as bad as it was last week. Ah tmrw's breakfast with yan and xk is cancelled:( Got lots of stuffs to catch up on. According to weiming, we are going kite flying tmrw!!! With my poly mates. Wonder if thats true HAHA. Oh yes budi clan, hilarious Okay i met up with Germaine today for lunch in school! Was great:) Hope to see her next week, prolly with sam? Its been raining the whole day today. Nice... Okay la time for sleep, maybe not, gotta chat with ting and xk. Goodnight!
Though everything's been said and done, i still...
Today @ 12:15 AM
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Okay i'm just gonna spend one minute typing this entry and i'm off to continue studying for tmrw's french tutorial. Its kind of pissing me off and to make things worse i am ike damn super freaking tired and exhausted and would really want to go to sleep now. School's on at 9am tmrw all the way till 6pm, i hate thursdays the most. Most of my friends do, actually. One big huge sigh. However, on a lighter note, i'm meeting Germaine tmrw for lunch since our timetable is close to being the same hooray! Plus, i'm also meeting Sam-Rah next week who is finally free for soccer trainings for a month hooray! Two's Better Than One by Boys like Girls ft. Taylor Swift (Y) I think i'm gonna die tmrw thanks to lack of sleep!!! Hah, nonsense. Okay got to run (1min's up) so till next time then!
Today @ 12:56 AM
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Listen to "Time for Miracles" by Adam Lambert! Its good. I wanna watch the movie soon too, haha.
Look out of your window. Its a full moon tonight.
Today @ 9:30 PM
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday blues? Well, not really. Hahah. Am alone at Bishan Library now. Love the peace and quiet. School was alright today but it rained the whole day! Who likes rainy days when you have to head out? I helped a blind man with directions today. It suddenly occured to me. How come there are so many facilities catering to the disabled and wheelchair-bound people (such as handicap toilets, and buses) but why aren't there are much facilites made for the blind? Its kind of weird. Does it mean that the blind doesn't need help? All they can rely on is just their instincts and feel of touch. Not meant to pinpoint this issue to anyone... Just my two cents' worth. Comm skills tmrw, have yet to complete my handouts. Big sigh. Got to run, bye.
Today @ 7:41 PM
Sunday, November 1, 2009


MAIN FOCUS OF THIS PHOTO: The hot guy behind us!!! (not the one with the back facing us)

She was trying to disturb me hehe

So these past 2 days had been studying studying and studying. I know people will ask me, "Study what shit?!" but yeah, i did. The most effective way to make myself distracted is to bury myself in books. Haha. So anyway, headed down to Changi Airport to study with my besties. Was at Gloria Jean's Coffee and i nearly got scammed by the manager! God, that is the kind of service i get at the airport. How irony... It was crowded yesterday, well, its saturday what do you expect? After dinner, went to the viewing hall to watch planes. Coincidentally, lynn's dad was coming back from hk business trip and his flight was due to arrive at 10pm so the three of us went to fetch him. Hahah. I love the airport. It always make me feel at peace. I like to see people hugging and crying when they bade goodbye to someone, i also like to see the joy and excitement people feel whenever someone comes back to them. The weirdest part is that i think i could feel their joy. Airport is probably in the list of my "Top 5 favourite places in Singapore". Reached home @ 1230am, was godamn tired.
Today, met up with the same girls again for mugging session at Thomson Plaza's Starbucks. Starbucks' coffee is still the best(Y) And a big fight occured, infront of me, literally. Everyone was shocked i guess? Lol. Dinner, saw weixiang, still the same old weixiang haha, and went to Bishan Library for some books that i will need for my comm skills 2 peer tutoring. And yes, did i mention that my microecons screwed up my brain?!?! Omg eechen had a tough tired teaching me :( But i still don't get it! I think i'm a dumb ass :( Khai where you i need your help!!!! In short, i had a really simple and awesome weekend. Thanks alot bestfriends!
I can't wait to go backpacking in Australia together with the usuals + Besties. I know its gonna be fun and i will start saving up now! When is the last time i went shopping? :(
Today @ 11:07 PM