Sunday, February 28, 2010
Today, met with khai venice and chengni @ northpoint. Pastamania for dinner and then starbucks. Followed by some soccer at the Macs. Mancity - Chelsea 4-2. Hahaha i swear me, venice & cn damn noisy in pastmania and i bet khai felt embarassed and hungry. Khai just booked out from camp and was carrying his field bag. I swear it weighs a ton! Chengni decided to share the load and help him to carry and every one that pass by her thinks she just booked out from camp! Hehe. Kind of funny. Then finally home. Thanks guys:)
Came across this paragraph which I find it exceptionally sweet.
Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person....Find a guy.. who calls you beautiful instead of hot.Who calls you back when you hang up on him.Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who..... kisses your forehead.Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.Who holds your hand in front of his friends.Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.Who turns to his friends and says, " That's her!! "1 more day to meeting my poly clique to bai nian and 2 more days to nata's sanbei. I.need.a.job. Anyone can help me out?
Today @ 12:54 AM
Saturday, February 27, 2010
I wish things could simplify by themselves. I feel like a loser... really.
Today @ 3:36 PM
poly yr 1

Our first class photo

And our last class photo

MY CLIQUE!:):) Thanks for being part of my year1.


lwtz's fisheyeeee

bedok 85


Thai foooood yummy^^ when shall we head there again?



Pom lecture

L4D2 @ Kovan (Y)

Helium changes voice hahahaha!!

Finally, survived term 4. It was such a hectic term with projects assignments and tests. Wednesday was the last paper - microeconomics. So had lunch with clique and then L4D2 AGAIN HAHAHA @ Kovan. Was super duper fun. Totally love such outings! Thursday, surprised howebaby since it was her birthday. Glad she was surprised and was happy:):) Had ichiban sushi for dinner but the wait was pretty long. Then I took bus to sengkang with Xue, Yiqi & Bas and we did a good deed:) Then guess what? Met Wj TLT & Sx for L4D2 AGAIN AT KATONG. Hahah it was already 10pm and I got home at 4am cause we went for supper at 24hrs hk cafe:/ Friday was nothing much except the extraordinary fact that it was labeled as 100th! Helped Weijie to wash his car HAHAHA fun:):)
So what have I been doing for the past couple of months? Tests presentations projects, not excluding having a hell of a time with my poly cliqueeee:) Surprised birthday for Wanting & Ryan & Weijie (SMASHING CAKES HEHEHEHE), L4D, out for lunch/dinner together after school, so on and so forth. Poly life can never be the same without you guys anymore... Thanks for being so awesome, supportive and annoying. Please please please please please keep in contact still. Love you all:)
To truly learn your mistake is to not commit it again.
Today @ 12:10 AM
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Stay up all night with the stars
Happy Valentines Day (belated) too
So yes, finally had some time to blog:) This week is study break and i have got 2 papers next week to handle. Just two, yes pretty lucky isn't it as compared to my other friends. Can't wait for exams to be over and I can party my ass off HAHA. Alright, really need some catching up with my friends. Guess holidays are always the season for catching up. That's the life of jc kids and poly kids? Hah.
Anyway last thursday was the last day of school boooo :( Miss everyone! Especially my clique. School had been awesome thanks to them. Thanks so much for all the happiness and joy you guys had brought into my life. Wanting, Sihui, Layting, Irah, Wj, Budi, Sx, Chow, Weiming & Jx and the rest of my classmates. Really. Year 2 can never be the same without you guys. KEEP IN CONTACT OKAY?!!! Friday day out with rah wt tlt, with sx as the surprise! Hehe, had fun shopping with the girls plz keep in contact okay loves. Then met wj for movie@vivo - valentines' day. Okay pretty good and i wanna watch percy jackson tooooooooo. Hehe dinner was awesome nice nice.
Saturday headed back to Msia for cny visiting. For the first time in 17years of my life, i had reunion dinner with my mum's parents. It was always with my dad's dad. But things have changed, ever since he left us for another wonderful world. As I ate my dinner, I couldn't help but to think of my grandpa. I know its silly but I just could not help it. K nufffffffffff then telly telly telly. WATCHED FIREWORKS! Hehe for free :D Grandma's neighbours! There were at least 4 families releasing fireworks. The fireworks were literally just above me its way awesome. I love it. They are so brilliant even though they are so short-lived. Here comes sunday. The rest came :D My little cousin IS SO CUTE! Goshhhhh she can even sing twinkle twinkle little stars shes only 1.5 years old. So yes had fun catching up with my aunts, uncles & cousins and etc. Steamboat for dinner is soooo heartwarming, love it! The rest of the days were awesome awesome and only reached spore this morning. I was really surprised how well my cousins (6-10 yrs old) actually take care of my little cousin. Kids nowadays grow up really fast. They are all taller, bigger, smarter & naughtier HAHA. Cny is the only season where we gather together, miss my uncle and family who are staying in LA though:(
I'm heading to Jurong Bird Park tmrw with TLT SX & WJ! :D YAYYYYYY LOVE OUTDOOR EXCURSIONS LIKE THIS HAHA.
Sanbei @ nata house in March, steamboat @ wenjie's place & more outings with the USUALS&BESTIES:D. Some catching up with howebrain & shanzzz pleaseeeeeee. L4D & Supper soon with Weijiang&Khai&Chengni, not excluding outings with Yiqi, Yan & XK! L4D & Kite flying & all-nonsense-things & genting with POLYCLIQUE!!!! Ice Skating with MY GIRLS:):):) Icekimo with upper-thomson-ers (coke shanzz nata qx etc etc). Miss Clarity Cafe with yq&howe (OK?!?!) Shopping with Ting! Holidays plz come soon.
Someone once asked me, if you could ever time travel, where would you chose to go? It set me thinking the entire night and I finally reached an answer. Some things always change for the worse when you thought its gonna be for the better. Sometimes its all too late. The damage is done.
Today @ 11:38 PM